September 22, 2022
We look forward to welcoming you, our partners, back to schools and classrooms. We work with you to build respectful, positive relationships that fuel students' development. This work is underscored by our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation and eliminating hate and racism. As we move to a new school year please note that schools will invite partners, based on need, virtually and/or in-person. We continue to take our health and safety direction from the Ministry and Toronto Public Health and it is important to note that this is the current information and can change based on change of guidance.
August 29, 2022
We would like to congratulate Rosalee Bender and Ranny Luk-Wong on their retirement! Rosalee came to TDSB with vast community work locally and internationally before joining the Toronto Foundation for Student Success and then eventually to the TDSB Educational Partnership Office where she held the role of Manager for 9 years. Ranny worked in various roles and departments within the TDSB for 22 years including 16 years as the foundation of the Educational Partnership Office. Lily Szeto has been appointed Interim Manager and we thank you for your patience and understanding during this time of transition.
July 18, 2022
This unique physical education and mathematics program mixes sports and math skills and is delivered by TDSB educational programming partner, Quantum Sports & Learning Association. Each Ballmatics session provides warm-ups for body and mind: math lessons/drills, basketball skills development with math activities to reinforce the math lesson. This partnership provides academic enrichment that develops students’ self-confidence in math through basketball. Sessions are developed and facilitated by certified instructors and athletic specialists. When scheduled as a series of sessions, the programming provides progressive development of students' proficiency in math exercises and physical development.
June 17, 2022
The diversity of TDSB Educational Programming Partners can be seen at a glance when looking at those who have been new or renewed in the first weeks of June! TDSB is grateful for new agreements with:
Rodrigo Chavez, CASSAVA Latin Rhythms
Behaviour Matters Inc., Cool Tools for Mental Health
Philip Cote, Indigenous Artist in Education
Ebony Girls Obsession, E.G.O. Spoken Word
McCarthy Tetrault LLP, MT Mentoring Indigenous Students
Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, Equity & Diversity Workshops and Tour for Humanity
Janice Pomer, Dance the Moving World
The Starfish Environmental Society, Can You Hear The Eco?: Environmental Solutions Workshops
Ian Keteku, Uncover Your Hidden Voice
Up4 The Challenge, STEM Design Experience
Canadian Mental Health Association, BounceBack Mental Health Awareness/ Sensibilisation a la sante mentale
Francis Atta, Francis Inspires
Noam Markus, Storytelling Through Mime and Physical Theatre
Check out the details of their amazing work in the list of Our Partners!
May 06, 2022
We asked a partners who were new or renewed in 2021 to share with us how they would complete the phrase, "Partnership Is ... " And, we have compiled their responses in two videos! What is Partnership? Part One in this video. (Part Two find here.)
April 22, 2022
TDSB is pleased to be renewing its partnership with The Starfish Environmental Society. Their "Can you hear the eco? Environmental Solutions Workshops" use use a guided inquiry-based learning approach to develop innovative solutions to real world environmental challenges. Students identify a real challenge specifically faced by the community, distill their ideas and prioritize their solutions. Facilitators help students to explore different environmental issues and how each story is a thread in the tapestry of our social, economic and political world. Students work together to create a final project that responds to the problem. Sessions are also offered in French, and serves grades 1 - 8.
March 30, 2022
These highly interactive presentations are once again available virtually and in-person, to take students of all ages on an avian "tour" around the world using a variety of species of birds. By being literally "introduced" to multiple species of birds up close and personal, students view, hold, pet, feed and observe the animals' behaviours and traits. Trained professional facilitators guide students through the inquiry process to come to conclusions themselves about diet and habitat by examining the different beak shapes, toe formations, feathers, colours and size. In addition, students learn about native species of birds including every day good habits they can follow to be good neighbours to our wildlife, how to help with backyard conservation, and discuss the consequences of being responsible agents of our natural resources.
February 25, 2022
Through an educational programming partnership, the University of Toronto, Faculty of Music, brings music education workshops to interested schools. The workshop immerses secondary students in culturally relevant and culturally responsive music classes. By incorporating an anti-racist and anti-oppressive lens, sessions focus on exploring cultural awareness and connections, developing deeper understanding of music as a 'socio-cultural practice', understanding social inequality when one genre of music is valued over another, understanding music and social movements, and sharing musical roots. Sessions provide engagement in music-making through exploring a variety of personal traditions and an opportunity for each student to present, perform and share the traditions of the music they value.
January 27, 2022
TDSB has a new Guidance and Experiential Learning partnership with timely content given the concerned focus on Long Term Care homes during the pandemic. The Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging Foundation provides in-person or virtual presentations by professional staff in the long-term care sector. Information on the long-term care sector and the variety of careers available in the sector is shared, while addressing present day challenges within the industry. Real life stories from professionals about their roles and experiences engage secondary students in lively Q & A. The partner is affiliated with the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation (OCLRI).
December 15, 2021
When receiving inquiries, and serving external agencies and TDSB staff involved in educational partnership programming, the Educational Partnership Office aims to provide timely, detailed, responsive, accessible and professional service. Please take a moment to let us know how we are doing. Thank you!
November 26, 2021
We are pleased that a partnership has been finalized this fall with Multicultural Arts for Schools and Communities, also known as MASC. MASC represents a group of 40+ professional artists/artist groups from diverse backgrounds who virtually deliver arts workshops, performances, and residencies for all grades, in either or both English and French! The Arts disciplines represented include: dance, drama, literary arts, media arts, music, visual arts. The partnership programming enhances students' creative process, deepen cultural awareness and give vivid demonstration of Canada's diversity, remotely! Performances are accompanied by a live Q&A with the artists who bring engaging English, French or Bilingual interaction into classrooms from a distance!
October 29, 2021
As was noted in our last month's news item, the TDSB has established a new COVID-19 Vaccination Procedure for Employees, Trustees and Other Individuals to support the health and safety of students and staff in our schools and workplaces. Under the TDSB Vaccination Procedure, our Educational Programming Partners delivering sessions in-person are considered ‘other individuals,’ and, therefore, must comply with the procedure if they attend TDSB sites and/or have direct contact with staff or students in a TDSB workplace by being fully vaccinated against COVID.
To meet the requirements of TDSB Vaccination Procedure, as an Educational Programming Partner, you are required to: • verify proof of vaccination for each director, officer, employee, contractor, agent, representative, or any person permitted by or associated with you or your organization who is required to access school sites in the provision of the program or services under your Memorandum of Understanding with TDSB (“MOU”) • confirm that only personnel who have been fully vaccinated will enter TDSB sites and provide programming or services at TDSB sites.
If you are a current educational programming partner and have not received your Attestation Form to complete, please contact
September 16, 2021
Current Educational Programming Partners are available remotely through video-conferencing. TDSB staff who schedule the session make the call on an accepted TDSB platform, with parental/guardian consent for student participation in that format for partnership program delivery. The Educational Programming Partner commits to no screen-captures, audio or video recording of the session.Educational Programming Partners who provide in-person programming should not expect invitations at this time. IF partners are invited by Principals (or designates) to provide programming services in-person, partners must complete a Health Assessment form prior to entering a TDSB site each day that they enter. The local staff / Principal who invites visitors into TDSB locations must ensure that all of TDSB COVID response protocols are followed and completed. Visitors to TDSB sites must meet all Toronto Public Health screening protocols, and be clear of all COVID-19 symptoms upon entering the building. By November 1, 2021, employees, Trustees and other individuals who have direct contact with staff or students at a TDSB workplace, must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (subject to exemptions approved by TDSB under the Human Rights Code ). Educational Programming Partners delivering sessions in-person frequently are considered ‘other individuals’ in TDSB COVID-19 response procedure: PR 734 COVID-19 Vaccination Procedure for Employees, Trustees and Other Individuals
August 27, 2021
Through the month of August, it was wonderful to have several renewal agreements finalized. They are ready to serve remotely. A quick list is below, but check out all the details on these partnership programs in the list of Our Partners.
Renewed in August:
- Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity, Activism Through Education: Intersectional Approaches to Education and Allyship
- CultureLink Settlement and Community Services, Bike to School
- Education Arts Canada, Set the Stage for Learning_Musical Adventures
- Fusion Artz Café, Art Clay Ceramic Metamorphosis
- Living Rhythm, Drumming to Well Being
- Marianne Derow, The Art of Healthy Singing
- OWLware Ltd., Accessibility Now
- Seedling Stories, Hands in the Garden
- Seneca College, Immigrant & Refugee Studies SSW Field Placements
- STEPS Initiative, STEPS.Studio
- Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Using Literature as an Innovative Tool for Teaching Mental Health Literacy
- University of Calgary, Masters School Psychology Field Placements
- White Ribbon, Promoting Equality, Healthy Masculinities, and Gender and Social Justice
New!John H Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, University of Toronto, Experiential Learning Design Program
July 30, 2021
Throughout July, TDSB continued to finalize partnerships that are able to work virtually with our schools.
- New! ACE Mentor Program of Canada - Architecture, Construction and Engineering (ACE) Mentors for secondary students are local industry professionals from top firms, delivering sessions in-person or virtually that help students discover the possibility of careers in architecture, construction and engineering.
- New! Digital Human Library. All grades are served by industry professionals in various sectors and content areas, for educational programs and the delivery of live, digital content.
- Renewed! New Leaf Yoga. Yoga instruction and mindfulness activities in-person or virtually, for referred students, to address chronic stress, cultivate self-awareness and build resilience.
- Renewed! Bay Street Deconstructed. Virtual educational workshops demystify the Financial Services industry, designed by educators and industry experts for Grade 10 students.
June 28, 2021
At the annual TDSB partnership celebration event in June 2021, Associate Director Curtis Ennis and System Superintendent Jacqueline Spence extend appreciation to educational programming partners who contribute to the Strategic Directions of the TDSB Equity, Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppressions department and the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement. Check out the Thank You video clip of their words of appreciation.
June 25, 2021
TDSB is pleased to share this brief video Thank You Card to our mental health educational programming partners. In it, Shameen Sandhu, System Leader for Mental Health and
Professional Support Services, extends appreciation to TDSB Educational
Programming Partners who focus on the mental health and well-being of our students, staff and school
June 21, 2021
TDSB celebrates its Indigenous Educational Programming Partners! View our video Thank You, expressing the deep appreciation TDSB has for its Indigenous Educational Programming Partners, as conveyed by System Superintendent Tanya Senk, TDSB Urban Indigenous Education Centre.
June 11, 2021
This year TDSB hosted its annual Partnership Celebration Event virtually! Check out our 35 min video of the event if you missed it live! We extended our appreciation to 215 partnerships that were new or renewed in 2020. These partners provide everything from pediatric health clinics to workshops on mental health and wellness; from career talks in a variety of sectors to financial literacy sessions; from artistic performances to motivational presentations that enhance student engagement; from small group support in literacy to seminars on nutrition, fitness and green projects; from increasing digital competencies and coding skills to planting gardens; from unpacking racism to creating 2SLGBTQ+ positive spaces. Heartfelt thanks to all of our educational programming partners for your unique and impactful work with students and school communities!
May 17, 2021
A new partnership program with Quantius Education Foundation provides opportunity for secondary students to gain a better understanding of career and leadership opportunities in underrepresented knowledge-based sectors including Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Entrepreneurship and Math (STEEM) from women and BIPOC industry leaders. Sessions begin with leadership panel interviews followed by hands-on workshops led by industry professionals that include Design Thinking, Introduction to API (problem-based software workshop), ICE Training as well as diving into sector-specific knowledge. Students gain sector-specific skills/tools and engage in experiential learning and meaningful dialogue with industry professionals.
April 15, 2021
Career Development Essentials programming from this new partner provides opportunities for secondary students to learn about various industries, career pathways and the skills necessary to further their career interests and goals. Students gain exposure to new career opportunities, skills development, and industry networking sessions from a variety of sectors. Workshops include: Ace the Interview; Resume Writing; Adapting to Working Remotely; LInkedIn Strategies for Youth; Talking to Industry. As well, students have an opportunity to meet with professionals in the following industries: Advanced Manufacturing and Robotics, STEM Careers, Business and Finance and Future Technology.
March 29, 2021
TDSB has a new partnership providing programming in Theatre and Culture for Early Years! Led by professional performing artists in French and English for early years' students, these performances and workshops engage our youngest students in theatre, dance, music, movement/dance, visual arts in a storytelling form. At this time, sessions are virtual, and explore a range of themes including friendship, the environment, loss and change, overcoming fears, embracing difference/different abilities and cultural diversity.
February 26, 2021
February continued to be a busy month of new partners being accepted to work during instructional time. TDSB was proud to finalize 11 new partnerships this month with the following remote programs delivering sessions virtually at this time:
TREC Charitable Foundation_Relay Education: Green Collar Careers
University of Toronto_Virtual Academic Support Program in Select Secondary Schools
Poetry In Voice/Les voix de la Poesie _Poet In Class/Poet a l’ecole
The Toronto Writers' Collective _ Creative Writing Professional Learning
Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth & Law _ Justice for Children and Youth: CASA Workshops
Itah Sadu _ Stories For Our Time
P.E.A.C.E. _ A Piece of P.E.A.C.E.
Purple Carrots Drama Studio Inc. _Purple Playspace
Agincourt Community Services Association _ Student Leadership & Youth Empowerment (SLYE)
Logics Group Inc. _ Logics Academy Professional Learning
SoundKreations Inc. _Toronto Dance Xperience
January 15, 2021
We are pleased to say that during this tumultuous year, educational programming partners remain committed to providing their programs of excellence to TDSB virtually. Most of our currently accepted educational programming partners are able to provide their unique sessions that enhance curriculum through video-conferencing. TDSB staff who schedule partners during instructional time make the call on an accepted TDSB platform, with parental/guardian consent for student participation in the remote format for partnership program delivery. Educational Programming Partners commit to no audio or video recording and no screen captures of virtual sessions. These terms are embedded in educational programming partnership agreements for applicable programs.
December 15, 2020
Through this newly established partnership, students have a rare opportunity to experience authentic West African music traditions, oral histories and dance from an ancestral perspective delivered by Master percussionists, dancers and musicians. Sessions, delivered remotely or in-person when schools reopen for partnership programs), utilize multi-media, storytelling, singing, live performance and art demonstrations. The foundation of these sessions are formed on the four pillars of Character Education: Discipline, Respect, Unity, and Music (D.R.U.M.). Drumming or dance workshops allow students to work in smaller groups to actively participate in music making, interactive play and dance while learning traditional songs that tell a story. Also delivered in French and in up to four distinct West African languages.
November 23, 2020
Clinics in select elementary schools address the issue of students in inner city communities who come to school with undiagnosed and untreated health concerns that prevent them from learning. Its objective is to provide students with access to a medical clinic, on site, in schools. Medical practitioners, (including but not exclusive to: nurse practitioners, physicians, pediatricians, community health workers) consult with students (and, if elementary school age, with their families) on a variety of medical, behavioural and developmental and school-related concerns. Services may include, and are not limited to: 1. Medical - providing diagnoses, prescribing medications, health counselling and referrals to other medical specialists, or dietician. 2. Behavioural and Developmental - providing diagnoses, prescribing medications, related mental health counselling, referrals to specialist and/or community agencies. 3. Clinical services will be provided on a referral basis from parents/guardians; TDSB Professional Support Services; local Principals from schools surrounding school in which clinic site is hosted. Services are customized and implemented as required based on presenting issues Clinic practitioners are also available to meet with designated School Support Teams in schools, when needed, as mutually scheduled. Administration of clinic appointments is facilitated by clinic staff.
October 27, 2020
A new partnership with Hong Fook Mental Health Association serves referred Asian students from grades 7 – 12 to support them as they create new social connections and strengthen peer to peer relationships. Through games, group work and discussion, youth develop strategies and life skills, including communication, healthy relationships, stress management, wellness, decision-making, and goal-setting. Presentations with school communities are available to increase local school communities' engagement in issues of equity, mental health and social inclusion.
September 25, 2020
Nearly 50 current educational programming partners revised their agreements with TDSB over recent months to include being able to offer their programming via video-conferencing. We welcome these innovations and revised partnerships during these changing times!
August 24, 2020
A new partnership with Special Compass has been finalized for their "What Happens Next?" presentations. These inclusive sessions are delivered in-person or by video-conferencing for student, staff, or parent audiences to help meet the needs and challenges of exceptional students, and prepare them to achieve success. Presentations demystify learning disabilities, and provide successful learning strategies that include goal setting, study skills, advocacy skills, and stress management.
July 16, 2020
We continue to finalize partnership arrangements over the summer. We look forward to a renewed partnership in the fall with The Message Inc. These educational programming sessions help youth tap into the power of mass media by enhancing their media literacy and critical thinking skills. Mass media affects the way we think, feel and act and when used responsibly, present unprecedented opportunities for connecting, sharing and learning. Through in-school and video-conferencing sessions students examine hip-hop & music messages, anti-Black racism, social media etiquette, media ownership, “fake news,” sexism, consumerism, and substance use in popular culture.
June 16, 2020
Our annual partnership appreciation reception celebrates new and renewed educational programming partners who provide unique learning opportunities during instructional time. Unfortunately, this year's event needed to be cancelled. We look forward to being able to celebrate again next year! Overall, TDSB has received nearly 3,000 proposals, of which over 600 have been accepted to provide educational programming that enhances the work we do with our students, staff and school communities. We value the ever-flowing interest in partnering with us!
May 25, 2020
The Educational Partnership Office hopes that all partner agencies' personnel are staying safe and well during this time of school closures.
Current Educational Programming Partners who are
deepening their online capacity to serve schools are asked to provide the Educational Partnership Office with their updated url, only if their specific web portals have changed, and especially if they require TDSB staff and/or student login. Connect with us via:
April 16, 2020
There are over 60 partners who will have new or renewed agreements finalized when the schools re-open. We look forward to these upcoming educational programming partnerships! To view the list of these, click on the Upcoming Partners banner on our Educational Partnerships web page.
March 13, 2020
Through "Next Generation" programming, students have an opportunity to learn and feel confident in their ability to be become effective social agents and active citizens, locally, nationally and internationally. Sessions cover the following themes: identity and privilege, prejudice and discrimination, citizenship and social action; to highlight the contributions that different diaspora communities have made to Canada's social fabric. Sessions shed light on identity issues and solutions, especially those that students face within their own environment. Students develop social action projects as a tangible act of local and global citizenship which culminates in a presentation.
February 26, 2020
Black History - A Canadian Perspective, as presented by Real Talk Learning Experiences, focuses on the experiences of African people in Canada, to share the rarely discussed history of the African diaspora in Canada. This partnership program engages students in interactive discussion exploring the success of African interpreters working with early Europeans, interactions of Black Canadians in community building, the escape of African people from the southern United States and their experiences in Canada.
January 28, 2020
Film in a Day educational programming delivered by new partner, Never Too Short Productions, provides a full day of hands-on learning opportunities. Students explore all aspects of film making including script writing, exploration of equipment and techniques required to create a film. This comprehensive workshop emphasizes four key components to consider when making a film: storytelling, writing, presentation and use of equipment. The facilitator also engages students in a discussion of the editing process, and software that accompanies it. The goal of the workshop is not only for students to create a short film, but also to provide them with a solid understanding of the film industry's practices, standards and careers.
December 20, 2019
As a bestselling Author, award-winning Leader, Speaker, Humanitarian, and decorated Athlete, Unstoppable Tracy provides tools for Resilience and Determination to TDSB audiences. Tracy's verve for life and ability to overcome obstacles are immediately apparent in these keynote presentations, sharing her story of commitment and perseverance, and courage, challenges misconceptions and encourages a celebration of diversity and social inclusion. Unstoppable Tracy provides a unique perspective as a person who was born with a disability, a 4-way amputee. With humour and motivation, Unstoppable Tracy inspires students to set goals and persevere through adversity, doing whatever it takes to achieve success.
November 22, 2019
Canada has recognized the Holodomor in
Ukraine as one of eight genocides it officially acknowledges and has set aside
the fourth Friday every November as a day of remembrance. TDSB looks forward to
our upcoming partnership in the new year with the University of Alberta_Canadian
Institute of Ukrainian Studies, through which the presentation “Genocide Denial
and Cover-up: The Holodomor in the 20th Century” will be available
for schools to schedule during instructional time.
October 28, 2019
Through a new educational programming partnership with Sugu World Inc., students
design, build, and develop drones in sessions that integrate computer
engineering technology with state of the art approaches to robotics,
electronics, and programming. Facilitated by aerospace engineers, mechanical engineers, airline pilots, and certified
drone pilots, students engage both creatively and technically in the design,
assembly, and implementation programming of drones for takeoff and flight.
In addition, students also examine how to successfully integrate drone technology
into our current world, and how these global competencies' technologies can benefit humanity.
September 25, 2019
The fall is a great time to highlight educational programming partnerships that focus on gardening. TDSB is in partnership with five external agencies for sessions in which students learn the urban agricultural skills of seeding, transplanting, irrigating, and harvesting! Thank you to : FoodShare; Green Thumbs Growing Kids; Kids' Growing City; PACT; and, Seedling Stories for your creative, hands-on workshops that enhance various curriculum areas!
August 21, 2019
My Clothes My World is a practical workshop offering that is being renewed! It highlights the social and environmental impacts in the apparel industry. Students learn the life cycle and supply chain of the apparel industry, environmental impacts, positive and negative impact on human interactions and their communities while learning to debate and create sustainable solutions to problems. At the end of the workshop, students engage in a practical exercise to deconstruct and reconstruct an old t-shirt into a bag.
July 22, 2019
TDSB has finalized a new partnership with "Our Space is a Safe Space" for their interactive performances by professional-style puppets and professional actors that promote self-love, awareness and acceptance around mental health issues and those living with disabilities. Puppets take students on a journey about living with OCD, ADHD, anxiety, autism, depression, and dyslexia. Performances break down stereotypes, shows acceptance and tolerance of others and how to start a safe and open conversation about differences.
June 25, 2019
TDSB is proud to renew its partnership with the Consulate General of Portugal! Delivered by Portuguese authors, language professors, diplomats, or government of Portugal V.I.P. guests; as scheduled, these presentations engage and motivate students in learning about Portuguese culture, and in developing skills in the speaking, reading and writing the Portuguese language. Presentations for students; professional learning for staff, resources and language certification opportunities are provided.
May 21, 2019
Our annual partnership appreciation networking session celebrates new and renewed educational programming partnerships from the previous year that provide unique learning opportunities during instructional time. Of the over 2,500 proposals TDSB has received, over 500 have been accepted, with programs of excellence that enhance the work we do with our students, staff and school communities. At this year's event on May 14th, we extended our appreciation to 180 partnerships!
April 26, 2019
"Artful Wellbeing" workshops are offered to students through a new partnership with Full Circle Art Therapy Centre. These sessions help youth externalize and organize their thoughts and feelings that may otherwise be difficult to articulate. The guided creative process, as well as the end product, can be used to enhance youth’s emotional, spiritual, social, cognitive, and physical well-being. They also encourage development of healthy coping strategies in working through specific issues, such as depression & anxiety, addictions, grief/loss, or trauma.
March 22, 2019
A new partnership with CMV Media Inc. provides sessions with students, teachers, and parents on how to utilize their social apps and platforms to build their online reputations via principles of digital citizenship. Students learn how to incorporate impeccable character, integrity, kindness and gratitude into their social apps and online experience. This presentation uses relevant, real-world examples, strategies and solutions to guide participants on safe and purposeful digital use. Facilitator provides tools and tips on how to communicate and minimize risks while creating a meaningful online presence for today and in the future.
February 22, 2019
Workshops in schools for students, and professional learning sessions for teachers, offer enrichment to the Stratford Festival's season plays with a focus on contemporary engagement with Shakespeare and Musical Theatre. They may focus on a genre or a specific play with an emphasis on key issues/questions explored in the script. They may focus on choreography in particular scenes. Sessions are delivered by professional teaching artists through communal, active exercises.
January 25, 2019
Through an educational programming partnership agreement with The Canadian Opera Company, members provide sessions in schools. Students learn healthy vocal technique and practise singing operatic excerpts; learn how to compose and set text to music; explore character development and elements of storytelling; examine the historical and sociopolitical contexts of operas; learn elements of design and how to create a visual concept for a piece of theatre; create their own opera; and understand the various careers in the arts.
December 21, 2018
A partnership with the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto brings presentations on Indigenous culture, language and history on Turtle Island (North America) into TDSB schools! Topics include the history and cultural teachings of Anishinaabe (Ojibway, Odawa and Potawatomi); Haudenosaunee (Iroquois); and, Metis. There are 'content focused' sessions; interactive presentations that focus on an activity; and, there performance-based presentations available!
November 13, 2018
November is Indigenous Education Month! Indigenous Programming Partnerships finalized this fall are with : Rita Dagenais; Sean Mauricette; Brian Wright-McLeod; Alyssian Entertainment Corporation; Valerey Lavergne. From discussions on Law, to practical engagement in the Arts, check out each of their programming details in the list of Our Partners!
October 24, 2018
From elementary students' engaging with Seniors, to secondary students learning STEM concepts through building mechanical puppetry; from building student and staff understanding of Ecology to Cyberspace to Social Inclusion - we celebrate finalizing new agreements this month with the following organizations: Down to Earth Education; Cyber Smart Canada Inc.; Reach Toronto Autism Services for Youth ; Forever Yoga; Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre; StopGap Foundation; Vujade Entertainment Inc.; Seedling Stories; and, Toronto Community Housing Corporation.
September 21, 2018
Get REAL provides interactive presentations for students in grades 5-12, with a mixed group of speakers, both identifying as LGBTQ+ and straight, who share their personal stories of growth and help students further understand that friendship and respect transcends things like gender and sexual orientation. These fun and friendly presentations focus on building inclusive spaces and peer support strategies; unlearning LGBTQ+ discrimination and bullying; and, showing through interactive activities that everyone has unique challenges in their lives, a story to share, and a chance to impact someone else’s life for the better.
July 31, 2018
Wondering about the various ways to engage with the TDSB? Please see our Partnership Opportunities video - it may have the guidance you are looking for!
June 15, 2018
TDSB educational programming partners include agencies that bring their expertise and specialty in engaging students and staff in learning movement, dance, and yoga techniques as physical fitness and health strategies. We are also proud to have dozens of other partners who focus their expertise in providing varied and distinctive specific mental health and well-being initiatives within our school communities. Search them all in the list of "Our Partners"!
May 11, 2018
Our annual partnership appreciation networking session celebrates new and renewed educational programming partnerships from the previous year that provide unique learning opportunities during instructional time. Of the over 2,000 proposals TDSB has received, 460 have been accepted, with programs of excellence that enhance the work we do with our students, staff and school communities. At this year's event, we extended our appreciation to 130 partnerships!
April 20, 2018
Check out the workshops offered by these Eco partners: Fashion Takes Action; Green Thumbs Growing Kids; Kids' Growing City; Planet in Focus; The Water Brothers; Enviromentum; Water First !
March 19, 2018
We are privileged to work with partners providing programming that focus on accessibility: accessible ping-pong with Human Moves Inc.; accessible basketball with Wheelchair Basketball Canada; and, 'Run, Jump, Throw' with Variety Village! Check out their full program descriptions in the 'Our Partners' list!
February 28, 2018
Don't see a partner or program listed on the "Our Partners" list? Check "Upcoming Partners" before calling the Educational Partnership Office with your inquiry. "Upcoming Partners" are currently signing their new or renewed agreements. They will be finalized soon!
January 25, 2018
A variety of topical workshops are available through our partnership with the charitable organization, Mining Matters. Each session engages elementary students in hands-on activities to stimulate interest in the Earth Sciences and the role rocks, metals, minerals and mining play in everyday life. These workshops offer unique learning opportunities that enhance science curriculum.
December 22, 2017
TDSB is pleased to finalize a partnership with Peace by PEACE for the educational program of Building Skills in Conflict Resolution. Through this interactive workshop series, students learn to prevent, manage and resolve conflicts in positive ways in their lives, schools and communities.
November 30, 2017
TDSB has three partnership programs with Right to Play Canada. Renewed in November is the PLAY program, formerly known as 'Concrete Warriors' through which Right to Play facilitates youth leadership workshops, arts-based programming, sport and recreational activities with First Nations, Metis & Inuit students.
October 15, 2017
We are please to have several educational programming partners providing Financial Literacy Workshops. This month, we are pleased to finalize our agreement with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA). CPA delivers presentations in French and English that animate students in basic financial literacy concepts and skills through interactive activities and case studies.
September 13, 2017
TDSB partnership with South Riverdale Community Health Centre means that students from 11 east Toronto elementary schools along with their families can now access health care services at Chester Elementary School! The clinic offers primary care for those who do not already have a family doctor, and the services of two part-time paediatricians!
August 31, 2017
TDSB is please to finalize an educational programming partnership agreement with the Collective of Black Artists (COBA). Sankofa Dance Workshops, Seminars and Performances are presented through a traditional West African and African Diasporic dance lens that create a comprehensive, inclusive and fun understanding of dance and improvisation. The Sankofa symbol is a mythical bird of the Akan people, that flies forward with its head turned backwards. In keeping with the values of Sankofa, workshops weave dance, music, poetry, rhythm and oral histories together as responsiveness to the present while celebrating the past.
July 24, 2017
External agencies can engage with the TDSB in various ways! Educational Programming Partnerships are not the only recognized working relationships. Check our Partnership Opportunities Brochure to find the most common pathways!
June 06, 2017
The Learning
Partnership - a
national charity that supports public education in Canada - is doing its part
to ensure today's kids are ready for the information age through a new program
that teaches them the basics of computer coding. The program, which tasks
students with creating their own video games, was run as a pilot in the GTA last year and has been
rolled out across the country this year. Some 150 Toronto students showcased
their finished products at a Coding Quest Arcade at RBC WaterPark Place
downtown on Tuesday, May 16. Read more about the event here.
May 19, 2017
The TDSB celebrated nearly 80 new and renewed educational programming partnerships at its annual recognition event on May 11. A diverse range of partners attended, including authors, illustrators, filmmakers, accountants, entrepreneurs, lawyers, environmentalists and facilitators. Read more about the event here.

April 05, 2017
TDSB is pleased to renew its partnership with No.9 ! Their interdisciplinary program enhances ecological literacy through an architecture and urban design project for grade 7 & 8 classes. Students learn about infrastructure and design components of their communities: public art, transportation, waste and water management, building types, green spaces, and energy use. They discuss sustainability issues; design and develop ecologically sustainable models to address these issues in their community.
March 01, 2017
This season`s Sears Ontario Drama Festival is scheduled to feature 45 plays, 30 of which are from TDSB schools, with many of the plays student-written and directed.
The prime purpose of the Festival is to provide a showcase for participants to demonstrate their unique drama work. It brings together students, teachers, theatre professionals, and community members to view, discuss, critique and enjoy each other's creative efforts, under the guidance of experienced adjudicators. Fostering respect, excitement, understanding and artistic development are some of its major aims as well as inspiring team work, problem solving, literacy and entrepreneurship. It also encourages current and future audiences to become positively involved with the art form.
February 24, 2017
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions organization, along with the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), are ti co-host its 'goIT' student competition finale as a culmination of its partnership for the 2016-2017 school year that will engage nearly 2,000 students across 18 schools.
4/26/2017:Read more about the event here.
January 20, 2017
Educational programming partnership presentations by The Concerned Kids Charity of Toronto use puppetry to address bullying, anger management, mental health, peer pressure and substance abuse topics; and underscore the importance of respect, enhancing self-esteem, and caring for the personal safety of oneself and others. The presentation is followed by a question and answer session to allow students to ask questions about the issues raised and how to make smarter and kinder choices to help create safer school communities.
December 15, 2016
TDSB is proud to have an educational programming partnership agreement with Metrolinx. Presentations by Metrolinx staff on Toronto Transit Projects provide an opportunity for students in school communities along the routes to understand this significant infrastructure construction in their community. These presentations deepen students understanding of city planning and by interacting with various transportation professionals leading the sessions, students gain an understanding of the many careers in transportation, planning and public transit.
November 30, 2016
The criteria by which Educational Programming Partnership proposal are assessed have been newly revised. Check them out!
October 26, 2016
Thank you to everyone who provided input on our Partnership Policy during the public consultation time in the spring. The revised policy has now been finalized. Take a look!
September 30, 2016
To enrich the classroom learning of NAC 10 ‘Expressing Aboriginal Culture’, TDSB is please to have renewed our educational programming partnership agreement with the Art Gallery of Ontario. Partnership activities include: integrated learning days at the AGO with NAC 10 students, teachers and First Nations, Metis and Inuit Artists; professional learning sessions; guided tours of the collections and exhibitions related to NAC10 curriculum with AGO staff and guest artists; and, interdisciplinary, artist-led workshops!
August 30, 2016
The first brochure in our 'Partnership at a Glance' series is now available. "Educational Partnerships" describes how proposals are assessed, and how accepted partnerships are reviewed.
July 05, 2016
TDSB is pleased to have an educational programming partnership agreement with the Hispanic Business Alliance. Through the Alliance, Leaders in the Hispanic Community, and winners of "The Ten Most Influential Hispanic Canadians" national awards, inspire elementary and secondary students in motivational speaking presentations through which they share stories of their lives: their successes, backgrounds and experiences.
June 15, 2016
Each spring TDSB celebrates educational programming partnerships by extending our appreciation to the new and renewed partnerships of the previous year! This year, 98 partners were honoured! See the
photo highlights or, read the
event programme for all details!
May 06, 2016
take a moment to participate in the public consultation on the TDSB policy for
Educational Programming Partnerships. Until early June, you can find the
draft policy and the link to provide your feedback athere.
April 29, 2016
The Learning Partnership held its annual
“Invention Convention” as part of its “Investigate! Invent! Innovate!” program.
The program provides resources and presentations for students, and professional
learning sessions for teachers, to develop students’ mathematical
understanding, problem-solving skills, and related scientific and technological
skills that they can apply in their daily lives and, eventually, in the
workplace. Workshops for students and teachers are delivered by guest experts
in the fields of science, engineering, math and technology. The culminating
event is the “Invention Convention”, a showcase for students to exhibit the
inventions they have created. Read more about the convention here.
Blank Canvases, formerly Walnut Studios, held a
fundraiser for its programming. Blank Canvases offers elementary students a
history of local Toronto artists through workshops led by professional artists.
Workshops use the inspiration of both historical and contemporary Toronto artists
for engaging students in the technique of a local, historical artist to create
their own unique art pieces. Methodologies which allow for children to create
and express their own individuality to their utmost capability are used. This
will include best practices in arts education that reflect open ended choice
making, an encouragement of uniqueness, fostering of expression, and a focus on
process rather than product. Blank Canvases workshops use art making as a
vehicle to promote group dynamics, mutual respect, positive self-esteem,
critical and creative thinking. Read more about their event here.
Sistema Toronto Academy held a fundraiser for
its “Playing to Potential” program. Playing to Potential is an intensive and
immersive program of instrumental, choral and orchestral instruction for
students in selected schools. Students learn a stringed instrument from the
choice of violin, viola, cello and bass. The program offers students one-on-one
musical instruction, orchestral/group instruction as well as lessons in vocal,
rhythm, music theory and history. Musical instruments are provided. Where
possible, parents are encouraged to attend performances and join all other
related program activities as much as possible. Read more about their
event here.
March 17, 2016
TDSB is always open to receiving educational programming or service ideas from local, national and international agencies, organizations and individuals, those familiar with our Board and those new to working with us. Due to the high volume, the expansive scope of ideas that are proposed to TDSB each year, and because we are committed to ensuring accessibility for all potential educational partners to propose their ideas, our reception for partnership development is through an online proposal submission, publicly available at . If you need any assistance, the Educational Partnership Office can also be contacted at (416)397-3340.
February 26, 2016
Arts Express offers workshops in drama, dance and visual
arts, literacy storytelling, and Tackling Anxiety, Stress and Mental Health
(T.A.S.M.) to deepen students' knowledge and use of arts to express their
ideas. One of their sessions during Black History Month was in the media! Read
more here.
January 29, 2016
Educational Partnership Office (CPO) is the gateway through which proposals for
educational programs or services provided by external agencies in schools during the school day, are received, assessed,
documented, accepted or declined as partnerships, monitored, renewed or
closed. TDSB Educational Programming Partnerships have clearly defined indicators of
success. We renew partnerships that have measured learning outcomes and
demonstrated impact.
December 18, 2015
works with many universities and colleges to provide placement opportunities!
This month we were pleased to renew Field Placement agreements with Centennial
College and Humber College. Accepted placement students collaborate with TDSB
staff who have volunteered to work with them, to enhance their understanding of
how their chosen profession plans and implements activities; provides
resources; and, fosters positive relationships with children, staff, parents
and families in the schools.
November 30, 2015
Living Together is a school twinning project between Market
Lane Public School in Toronto, and Nürtingen Grundschule Berlin-Kreuzberg
school in Berlin that focuses on activities that deepen students’ understanding
of the questions, challenges and triumphs when different nationalities and
cultures seek a peaceful life together. The project is facilitated by the
German Consulate and the visiting German theatre company, SideViews, engaged by
the Consulate, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of German Unification. Read
more here.
Model Schools Pediatric Clinics address the issue of children in inner city
communities that come to school with undiagnosed and untreated health concerns
that prevent them from learning. Its objective is to provide families with
access to a medical clinic, on site, in schools. With St. Michael’s Hospital as
a partner, TDSB opened the sixth clinic. It is located at Nelson Mandela Park
Public School in Regent Park. Read more here.
October 30, 2015
For a quick reference, see our Partnership
Roles and Responsibilities chart. It provides an overview at a glance
of who is responsible, consulted, informed and accountable from proposal
assessment through to partnership review.
September 30, 2015
is a shared responsibility between the Board, parents and guardians, students,
staff and the community. TDSB is committed to working in collaboration with
external agencies to increase student engagement, well-being, and achievement,
through the provision of programs or services that help students expand the
diversity of their learning opportunities and bring relevance to their education.
Educational partners share values, objectives, resources and responsibilities
to achieve desired learning outcomes. Of the 1200+ initiatives that have been
proposed, there are currently 300+ that have been accepted as formal partners
to provide programming or services in our schools. It is our privilege and
honour to acknowledge Our Partners on a public list!
June 30, 2015
year the TDSB recognizes a number of educational partners for their
contributions to the success and well-being of students, families and school
communities. This year we recognized the "New
& Renewed Partnerships of 2014"; which meant we extended our
appreciation to 76 partners. The programming and services these partners
provide varies from individualized presentations, artistic performances and
workshops, to collective supports for student-designed entrepreneurial
initiatives, professional learning opportunities, and international