Our Partners

These organizations have educational programming partnership agreements to provide programming during instructional time, in-person or remotely. To find programming of interest to you, search by keyword or sort the list order by clicking on any column title. 

(Please note: after-school programs operate through Permits. Other pathways for agencies to engage with TDSB can be found through our Partnership Opportunities webpage.

Debbie Deer ProductionsVirtual Technology and Production WorkshopVirtual Technology and production workshop immerses secondary students in using virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality (collectively known as XR) and the careers that lies in it. Black-identifying industry professionals lead sessions about virtual film production, augmented and mixed reality technology and how it is used to tell their own stories through film production. Facilitators share exciting new careers in film and VR industry. Students have opportunity to learn software such as AR and apply it themselves by making their own augmented reality filter and experience a VR demo with headset. Students may work to create projects and simulations and utilize AI for learning. Suitable: Grades 9-12
Diversified Youth InitiativeBring The Beat BackThis entrepreneurial program focuses on the Art of Creating Music by teaching the fundamentals of production, song writing/arrangement, sampling and instrument layering to re-engage and re-energize students from equity-deserving communities in LC1. Using our grassroots holistic approach, our Black mentors will engage, develop and support students in-person or virtually by enhancing their creativity, innovation and ingenuity. Students will benefit through a series of educational sessions to increase their business, branding, marketing, money management and performance capabilities. Sessions culminate with a project completed by students and presented to school community. Community engagement initiatives may occur for the entire school community (i.e. parents/caregivers). Suitable: Grades 9-12
Divine MvitaThe Art of BecomingThis one-hour presentation highlights the importance of the authentic self and channelling one’s unique gifts to contribute to the world. Born in Africa, Divine Mvita, shares her story of success by voiding the opinions and expectations of society and thriving through finding her unique self and embracing who she is. Presentation provides useful resources, tips and tools in the art of becoming the best version of self. Students hear the importance of who they are, being able to identify their passions and highlight the tools they already have to offer to the world. Serving: Grades 6-12
Djennie LaguerreWords in Movement: Dance, Theater, StorytellingAn interactive dance and storytelling workshop in French or English, to enable students to create their own story. The storytelling workshop uses drama, music, song, dance, word games to enhance students’ communication skills and theatre skills. The dance workshop uses Afro-Caribbean beats and music to enable the students to not only learn about francophone Afro-Caribbean culture but also learn to create a brand new choreography. The workshops series culminates in a class performance. Serving: Grades 1 - 8
Doane Music SchoolUkulele In the ClassroomThis enrichment program uses the versatility of the ukulele to enhance music literacy skills for students in grades 3-12. Professional musicians/instructors use the Ukulele in the Classroom pedagogy which strengthen students musical understanding, social skills, and enjoyment. Sessions focus on introduction to ukulele, playing ukulele, improvisation, playing in an ensemble and performance. Students will enhance the following skills: improvisation, ear training, note recognition (both on the page and on the instrument), harmony and rhythm through chording and finally through repertoire which uses all of these elements and performing.
Dori EksteinCarrying on the Legacy: Sharing My Parent's TestimoniesAs a descendant of Holocaust survivors, Dori Ekstein shares her father's and mother's oral testimonies and teaches students about the lessons of the Holocaust and the dangers of hate. Students can connect to the past, reflect on the present to help them build a better future. This presentation covers a variety of themes and important elements of the Holocaust while helping students understand the consequences of hatred, racism, prejudice, antisemitism, genocide and stereotyping in any society. This interactive session includes powerpoint presentation, maps, documents, photos, video clips and oral testimony. Professional Support Staff may be present for this workshop. Planning occurs prior to delivery to ensure conditions are set for student well-being. Suitable: Grades 6-12
Down to Earth EducationScience and Geography Alive!A variety of interactive presentations and unique artefact displays on topics related to the environment. Presentations promote empathy and respect for nature and people through enhancing cultural and environmental awareness. Using engaging visuals and diverse displays, students learn about interdependence and threats to ecosystems, by travelling through rainforests, exploring oceans, or deepening their understanding of endangered species. Presentations include the following: Oceans Alive! ; Swamps Alive! ; Coral Reefs & Tide Pools ; Forests Alive! ; The Buzz on Bees ; Water is Life! Serving: Grades 1 - 8
Dreampics Pixel ArtRubik's Art Workshop and Mathemagic Show/Atelier Rubik's Pixel Art et spectacle MathemagicMikael Taieb, leads two presentations in French that showcase mathematics as being fun, magical and artistic. Schools can choose two Rubik's cube 45 minute presentations: Rubik's Art Workshop or Mathemagic Show. Presentations are a mix of the power of the brain, mathematics, numbers, magic, comedy, mime, clowning and of course Rubik's cubes sprinkled with student participation. Additional pixel art workshop is available for students to learn unique techniques and make their own art creation using rubik's cubes. Mikael will share his career path and how mathematics can be used in artistic fields. Suitable: All grades especially French Immersion classes
Drums Et AlAfrican Drumming, Dance, and StorytellingThe themes of leadership, character development and connection with those around us are explored in these interactive African drumming, dance and storytelling presentation and workshops. African philosophy – Ubuntu – an understanding of ourselves in relation with the world are underpinned in the presentations which are brought to life using songs, music, chants, drumming and story-telling. Workshops provide opportunities for students to further enhance the following skills: hand-drumming technique, West-African dance fundamentals, listening, reflecting and responding, and creating and performing. Presentations are suitable for Black History Month and professional development in drumming may be available.
Dwayne MorganAmplifying Student VoiceIn his youth, Dwayne Morgan found his voice, and has used it to carve out a life filled with unique experiences. In these motivational sessions, he shares the blueprint for creating a life built around our passions, based in love for self and others. Fused with spoken word poetry, Morgan weaves an inspirational and attainable story; challenges new thinking related to students' use of social media; and evokes engagement in students' sense of self and ability to develop their creative writing skills as an expression of their own voice and their own story. Sessions include spoken word performance and an introduction to poetry slams, with a passion for encouraging Black Student Achievement. Serving: Grades 4 - 12
East Scarborough Boys' & Girls' ClubProject Reclaim Students in the Malvern and Galloway neighbourhoods, within Scarborough, can learn about understanding and managing their own emotions, making healthier and safer decisions, and overall well-being through this series of workshops. 1-hour sessions ranging from anger and stress management, healthy and unhealthy relationships, social media safety, leadership skills and opportunities, and transitional years are available. Program is in collaboration with PSS staff. Suitable: grades 6-12
EcoSpark Environmental OrganizationSchool Watch and Changing CurrentsIntegrated teacher training and student sessions actively engage in citizen science practices to understand and address climate change, water quality, pollination and bird monitoring, and land use planning. EcoSpark facilitators, through in-person or by video conferencing, lead hypothesis driven research and data collection workshops for students and teachers on their school grounds. Students learn to use scientific protocols to monitor and assess the health of local terrestrial and aquatic environments and then contribute their findings to relevant citizen science projects; shared with scientists around the world. These inquiry-based workshops explore water systems, insect, bird and plant dynamics, and taxonomic identification systems. Students learn to assess the environmental health of streams and school grounds and to analyze data and plan stewardship actions to increase local biodiversity and environmental health. Suitable: Gr. 6-12
Edz GyamfiDANCE EDZ-UCATIONThese workshops instruct students on the significance of dance street styles - Dancehall, Hip Hop and Afrobeats and their respective history, culture, roots and evolution so students learn dance vocabulary and create their own works. Workshops are open to various dance levels and provides foundational work or more advanced choreography for performance development. Sessions focus on skills and drills, grooves, dance vocabulary, rhythm and tempo changes. In all sessions, students get immersed into the culture through the skills development and dance experience. Suitable: Grades 5-12
Elisabeth PearsonFood, Nutrition and Mental HealthStudents, staff or parent participants learn how to choose foods that optimize brain and gut health, which promotes better mental health, including a significantly lower risk of anxiety and depression. Participants learn how the extensive use of social media promotes poor body image, which leads to poor mental health and an unhealthy relationship with food. Participants learn how the widespread availability and advertising of ultra-processed foods impacts food choice and well-being. Serving: Grades 1 - 12
Elizabeth HysenSensory ArtWorkshop series uses ASL and vibrotactile devices to devise a sound sculpture that is accessible for students who are deaf. Facilitators are comprised of one deaf music ASL interpreter, one hard-of-hearing media artist and one CODA musician. Workshops explore ASL music interpretation through modified instruments to create accessible art practices that can be expanded on depending on the needs of the participants. Students also hear from professional artists who share how ASL interpretation is a viable career choice in the Arts. Students will have a chance to play on modified instruments and prototypes. Workshop series culminates in a musical work by students to create an accessible sound installation. Suitable: Grades 9-12
EMG Education CompanyAfrican Canadian History TheatreEMG Education offers original 45-minute theatrical productions on Canadian Stories with a focus on African Canadian Change Makers who have shaped the fabric of this nation. Using multimedia , the performance weaves contemporary issues and reinforces messages of diversity, inclusion and that one person can make a difference, all within the context of Canadian history. Students will also enjoy an interactive game show to enhance their learning. Virtual shows available. Serving: Grades 9 - 12
Emil SherUnpacking the Holocaust: A Playwright's JourneyThis multimedia presentation weaves still images and video footage from the acclaimed stage production of Hana's Suitcase, which chronicles the short life of a girl killed in Auschwitz. What are the challenges, the choices, the considerations when history is honoured and dramatized on stage? How far into the darkness of the Holocaust do you go when children are in the audience? How can sets, costumes, masks, slides and silence give voice to an unspeakable tragedy? These are some of the questions that are explored by playwright Emil Sher in a presentation that is capped by a discussion where students are tasked with making a moral choice about who to shelter in wartime. Students also learn about the creative process in transforming history into a stage play and the connections between art and history. Serving: Grades 5 - 12
Engineers of TomorrowEngineer-in-Residence (EIR) A real life engineer is matched with a classroom for the whole school year. The goal of the program is to bring the engineering experience into the classroom. Engineer facilitators share personal stories and experiences, facilitate hands-on STEM activities, share information about engineering professions and pathways to get there. Engineers and teachers work to customize and map the program which enhances, math, science and experiential learning activities/curriculum. Suitable: Kindergarten; grades 1-12 Requests for engineers to support SHSM and SPE training may be available.
Environfocus Inc.EnvironFocus Knowledge TransferIndustry professionals speak to students in Grades 4-12 on ways to successfully implement sustainability projects in their local community while meeting United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. With extensive business experience in Nigeria and North America, staff provides insight into sustainable actions and development; designing, developing and/or implementing sustainability projects; and meeting United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These sessions enhance the learning for those students who are currently working on a sustainability action project or are looking to hear from professionals in the industry. Sessions may also touch on careers in green/environment industries, advice on how to succeed in the field and women in science. Suitable: Grades 4-12
Environics Analytics Group Ltd.Geodemographic Data WorkshopIn this workshop, secondary students learn practical applications in the field of geography through exposure to real-world case studies that mirror client projects. Students are presented with one of three possible cases where they will examine, identify and analyze the business problem using the maps and geodemographic data reports provided. Through a collaborative team effort, students work together to devise a solution that exercises their data literacy, geographic interpretation and presentation skills. At the end of the workshop, students present their proposed solution and have a client-ready presentation deck.
Envision Sports & Entertainment Inc.Finding Tenths with Paralympic Medalist Marissa PapaconstantinouThis motivational assembly with Paralympic Medalist, Canadian record holder, and TDSB alumni, Marissa Papaconstantinou, highlights uncovering key habits, mindsets, and skills that push you to find and improve yourself. Marissa breaks down each phase of a sprint as it relates to key moments that have allowed her to succeed on the world stage and to help her find her 'tenth'. Themes include resiliency, embracing obstacles, finding confidence from within. The assembly ends with a question and answer period where the audience can engage with Marissa. A follow-up session, a couple months later, allows students to check-in with Marissa and share their progress since her presentation.
ESP Extraordinary Steel PannistSteel Drum DemonstrationProfessional musician, Earl La Pierre Jr. takes students on a musical journey by sharing the cultural and historical significance of steel pan through his steel pan performances. This assembly incorporates dance and movement bringing everyone to their feet. Session delves into the rich history of Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago and connects how Carnival is celebrated locally in Toronto. Suitable: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12
Explorum Inc.EXPLORation Workshops/Ateliers d'EXPLORationDelivered by French-speaking facilitators, these sessions stimulate student’s interest in the sciences with educational experiments as well as enrich their French vocabulary. With a variety of STEAM workshops that range from the study of chromatography, tinkering with electrical circuits, take on building challenges, craft an articulated hand or exploring optical illusions, students engage with both natural and scientific phenomenon using critical thinking and inquiry-based learning objectives. Workshops are also available in English. Suitable: Grades 1-7
Extend-A-FamilyFriendship CirclesFriendship Circles build relationships between students with disabilities, who are in a regular class placement and their classmates through engaging activities that encourage social connections. Available in elementary and secondary schools. Groups of children are intentionally brought together to get to know each other and to build a welcoming and inclusive school community for all students. Circles provide an opportunity for the person with a disability to participate in conversations, games, parties and social encounters. Circles are led by an Extend-A-Family Coordinator who facilitates group sessions and encourages groups to plan time and activities together, and to explore the concept of friendship both within and outside of school.
Extra Ed Inc.Jeu d'échecs académique/Academic ChessThese workshops cover the elements of chess play, with a focus on the aspects of the game that apply mathematical skills such as measuring, patterning, numeracy, and probability. Dynamic lessons are presented through storytelling, individual challenges, small group work, and games between students. Using a range of materials such as large interactive display boards, giant chess boards, tournament sized boards and activity sheets, workshops accommodate different learners of all ages and abilities. Workshop is available in French and English. Serving: Grades 1-8
Fashion Takes Action My Clothes My WorldWorkshops for Grades 4 - 12, in English and French, virtually or in-person, and SHSM students, explore the social and environmental impacts of the global fashion industry with students, while empowering the to build a more resilient and sustainable future. Sessions include: 1. Greenwashing & Transparency: students will become equipped with the tools to identify greenwashing and learn about the certifications that support sustainable fashion; 2. 7Rs of Fashion: students learn about the circular economy, and how they can be part of the solution by using the 7Rs of Circular Fashion; 3. Human Rights & Labour: students explore the human rights issues throughout the global supply chain; 4. Life Cycle of a T-shirt: students explore the environmental footprint of making a t-shirt, from raw materials to end of life.
Festival Management CommitteeCarnival Arts and LiteratureThese workshops celebrate Caribbean culture and diversity by shining a light on Carnival history and Carnival arts to all students. Through hands-on sessions, students learn about the history, artistry and craftsmanship of costume-making and Mas costumes. Various professional artists share their expertise and their role in Carnival Arts from conception to implementation (including music making, costume design, construction, band leading). The program also highlights the contributions of individuals from the Caribbean community. Suitable: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12
Fithop Fitness & EntertainmentFIT HOPStudents' Physical Literacy is enhanced with these workshops that fuse music, spoken word poetry and movement to provide an interactive dance-based fitness program. Students are engaged in individual and group exercises that teach kinesthetic awareness (personal space), mindfulness through breathing and proper postural alignment in exercise. Program uses rhythm and rhyme, song and spoken word poetry to aid students in remembering the dance sequence. At the end of the workshop, students will have an opportunity to showcase their learning in a dance circle. Professional learning workshops are available. FIT HOP is an acronym for functional integrative training and health optimization program.
Food SharksThe Food Mood ConnectionThis nutrition workshop helps students to understand how food plays a significant role in their mood and overall mental and physical health. Facilitator discusses the fundamentals of a healthy diet, foods that support well-being, and how media and marketing industries influence nutritional choices. Students learn to read and understand food labels and nutritional facts to ultimately gain knowledge to make informed, healthy food choices. Because the health & wellness industry is booming, growth trends and careers are also highlighted. SHSM & SPE certification is available. Suitable: Grades 6-12
FOOT IQ Programme Educatif & Activities SportivesFootball en françaisThrough soccer as a learning tool, students practise French language skills. This workshop series provides an opportunity for students to not only gain confidence in speaking French but also enhance decision-making, team building, keeping a healthy, active lifestyle. French-speaking coaches share learning strategies on and off the field. Suitable: Grades 6-12; French Immersion; FLS
Foresight Partners Inc.Anti-Vaping PresentationThis interactive presentation educates students about the harmful risks and consequences with vaping that is optimistic, informative and provocative. Session challenges students to make better choices and to steer in a positive direction for their future selves to see. Presentation covers risks, facts, prevention, dealing with peer pressure and stressors that lead one to vaping. Professional Support Staff are informed and can support with customization of the presentation. Suitable: Grades 6-12 .
Francine PeltierArts & Culture Based Murals for Indigenous StudentsFrancine Peltier, an Ojibwe artist from Wikwemikong Unceded Territory, provides Indigenous students with half-day cultural based arts programming that enables students to build meaningful relationships with their peers, their culture, and within themselves by participating to learn the creation of new skills. Students can engage in various art activities including designing and creating murals based on the 7 Grandfather teachings. Mentorship and portfolio development are also available along with professional development related to visual arts. Suitable: Grades 6-12.
Francis AttaFrancis InspiresIn this motivational presentation, Ghanaian-born Francis Atta shares his lived experience of overcoming significant barriers and flipping his life around. Once homeless, failing in school and in trouble with the law, he went on to post-secondary studies and graduated with honours. Presentation also emphasizes the importance of education, power of sport and finding motivation to do more. Students gain skills to help them overcome challenges in life and strive for success. Serving: Grades 7-12
Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center Equity & Diversity Workshops and Tour for HumanityCanada, often described as a diverse cultural mosaic, is not free from hatred and intolerance. Through these sessions, racism, antisemitism, and prejudice are examined, as well as how these issues impact students and school communities. A variety of workshops are available for Grades 4 – 12, including: lessons & legacy of the Holocaust; roots of hate & intolerance; world heroes; genocide and the power of action; understanding digital citizenship and digital hate; media literacy, propaganda and WWII; and, student leadership development to promote respect and affect real, inclusive change through exploring their own diversity story. Serving: Grades 4 - 12
Future Design School Inc.Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship and LeadershipThe Future Design School programs offer a variety of experiential learning opportunities for students from K-12 that leverages their knowledge supporting them to apply it in meaningful and relevant real-world settings. These sessions are hands-on and practical, inspiring students to engage deeply through choice and voice. Programs are available in-person and online in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Design Thinking, App Design, STEM, Leadership, Career Exploration, Project Management, Environmental Science and Equity & Inclusion. SPE and SHSM certifications are available.
Future Design School Inc.Future Design Professional LearningThe program offers professional learning opportunities to TDSB educators and staff (teachers, administrators, board level staff, coaches, social workers, psychologists, etc.) providing them with mindset, tools and techniques for developing students' future ready skills and competencies. The program uses a blended learning model of both online and in ¬person delivery, or fully online through video conferencing. Sessions include: Introduction to Design Thinking; Hack your Curriculum; Assessment for Innovation; Planning Interdisciplinary Projects; Designing Inquiry and Assessment for Remote, Blended and Hybrid Learning. Programming can be customized to meet local and contextually specific needs. Suitable: Staff
Gallery 44CameraReach Residencies CameraReach is a 5-day arts residency program delivered by professional photographers working with middle school classes. Over the course of 5 half-day sessions per class, students learn a variety of skills including technical functions of a camera, elements of photography, narrative building through image-making and how to download and edit photographs to create a finalized art piece. These workshops are incorporated into the school curriculum and aim to engage students in the world of digital photography, providing them with valuable technical and conceptual skills. The program is organized sequentially, to build cumulative skills and develop visual literacy through hands-on learning, dialogue and production. Artist instructors work with students to explore an annual theme which results in an exhibition of the students' artwork at a professional gallery.
George Brown CollegeCareer Development Practitioner Field PlacementsThis program provides field placement opportunities for students in the Career Development Practitioner Program at George Brown College. Field placements within TDSB sites provide post-secondary students who are considering a career in their specialized area, an opportunity to gain direct experience in the provision of community employment services. Field placement students collaborate with TDSB staff to enhance their understanding of the various processes and skills utilized in the provision of employment services to the community. These placements satisfy post-secondary course requirements for field placement experience.
George Brown CollegeChild and Youth Care (CYC) Field PlacementsThis program provides field placement opportunities for students in Child and Youth Care post-secondary programs. Field placements within TDSB sites provide post-secondary students who are considering a career in their specialized area, an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies employed in classrooms. Field placement students collaborate with TDSB staff to enhance their understanding of curriculum; to plan and implement activities for students; and to foster positive relationships with students, staff and parents. These placements satisfy post-secondary course requirements for field placement experience. Child and Youth Care field placement students may support TDSB students at any of the following activities: workshops; presentations; life skills development projects, campaigns and/or resources development.
George Brown CollegeCommunity Worker Field PlacementsThis program provides field placement opportunities for students in the second year of the Community Worker program. Field placements within TDSB sites provide post-secondary students who are considering a career in their specialized area, an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies employed in the Board, schools, and classrooms. Field placement students collaborate with TDSB staff to enhance their understanding of curriculum; plan and implement activities and foster positive relationships with parents/caregivers, students, and staff These placements satisfy post-secondary course requirements for field placement experience.
George Brown CollegeEarly Childhood Studies Field PlacementsEarly Childhood Studies Field Placements provide post-secondary students who are considering a career within early childhood education an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies employed in classrooms. These placements satisfy college course requirements for field placement students to collaborate with TDSB teaching staff to enhance their understanding of curriculum; to plan and implement activities for TDSB students; to foster positive relationships with children, staff, parents, and families, and to provide resources to assist TDSB students to successfully transition through the early grades.
Get REAL Movement Inc. Building Bridges through Inclusion, Acceptance, and DiversityGet REAL is a Canadian non-profit focused on combating 2SLGBTQ+ discrimination and bullying in schools. Presenters from Get REAL facilitate interactive workshops with students that build on the power of personal stories. Participants hear from relatable 2SLGBTQ+ speakers who have grown from their diverse life experiences and journeys to find confidence in their identities. Participants then have an opportunity to share reflections through a guided, anonymous exercise. Presentations highlight human connections and shared emotions, 2SLGBTQ+ discrimination, unlearning harmful language, and focus on the impact students have on one another through small acts of kindness. Serving: Grades 5 - 12
Good Beautiful Morning ConsultancyOur Tapestry is our MasterpieceAfrican Canadian artist/writer, Mello Ayo, takes the audience on a journey of the history of the African diaspora, a tapestry running from Africa across the Atlantic sea to where we stand today. This presentation highlights history and contributions of people of African ancestry, the human experience including the struggles and joys and especially the hope for the future. Mello takes a multidisciplinary approach – performance art, storytelling, original spoken word and poetry and music to inspire and share the power of resilience. Suitable for secondary students.
Greater Toronto Hockey League ( GTHL )Try HockeyThis program introduces the sport of hockey through the game of floorball to students in grades 2-6 who have previously been unable to play the sport. Certified coaches deliver the program in the school gymnasium where small groups practice basics of stick-handling, passing and shooting. Students will participate actively and engage in a variety of movement competencies, and demonstrate an understanding of the value of regular physical activity in their daily lives. With follow-up communication, coaches provide further support to maximize sustainability and teacher resources are made available including access to floorball lesson plans. Following the in-school portion, students/families are invited to the local arena to try hockey on the ice.
Green Hope FoundationYouth Education through Environmental EducationStudents are made aware of real world issues regarding sustainable development in these free assembly/workshops that blend art, music, dance, drama, and science while creating and achieving sustainability goals. Students learn about and discuss the impacts of climate change and ways to mitigate it, the importance of clean energy moving forward into the future, the need for biodiversity conservation, and ways we can adopt a model of sustainable consumption of earth's resources. Classroom learning is also complemented with outdoor local activities such as waste cleanups and waste segregation in order to demonstrate to students how to put 'words into action', learning that transcends classroom walls and school yards. Serves: All Students
Green Thumbs Growing KidsSchool Food Gardens for LearningGardens provide food growing and environmental education programs at select elementary schools. The fruits and vegetables produced are used in the schools’ nutrition programs and classroom cooking. Gardens are designed along ecological principles, incorporating trees, shrubs and perennials along with annual food plants. Curriculum links include science, social studies, language, math and art. Suitable for Grades K - 8.
GreenBMG Inc.Fundamentals of Solar EnergyDelivered by a multidisciplinary team of engineers and scientists, this hands-on workshop explores solar technologies including solar thermal and solar photovoltaic (PV) basics. The discussion starts with how energy is created and then moves to renewable energy sources. Workshop provides information on the science of solar energy, complex methods of solar energy, different energy conversions, tools to measure output and the future of solar technology. Students actively observe and participate in small group experiments. The session culminates with a hands-on demonstration of an off-grid PV set-up. Fundamental concepts such as integrated science, environment, fight against climate change will be covered during the sessions. Speakers also provide information on green careers and industry knowledge. Suitable: Grades 4-12
H.U.S.T.L.E Inc.The Great Canadian HustleWorkshops use the medicine wheel to guide Indigenous youth in creating a healthy lifestyle in select schools. Facilitated by an Indigenous facilitator, students increase their physical and mental wellness and develop good life skills. Sessions and topics include physical activity, training on gym equipment, healthy eating and goal-setting using Indigenous traditions and knowledge. Each session includes a physical movement/exercise with or without equipment, yoga/meditation and sharing circle/affirmations. Suitable: grades 6-12
Hamilton-Wentworth Green VentureVermicomposting WorkshopThis wiggly worm workshop allows students to observe a vermicomposting habitat and see how worms recycle food waste to produce valuable compost. Learn how composting relates to food waste, discuss why food waste is an important environmental issue, and learn the science of composting. Sessions may focus on setting up a vermicomposting bin from scratch or how to care and troubleshoot vermicomposting bins. All materials will be provided by the facilitator for hands-on learning experience. In addition, follow-up activity guide and supplementary lessons are provided to further the learning beyond the workshop. Suitable: All grades
Hands on Exotics Inc.Amazing Living World of BirdsThis highly interactive presentation takes students on an avian tour around the world using a variety of species of birds. By being presented with multiple species of birds up close and personal, students hold, pet, feed and observe the animals' behaviours and traits. Trained facilitators guide students through the inquiry process to come to conclusions themselves about diet and habitat by examining the different beak shapes, toe formations, feathers, colours and size. In addition, students learn about native species of birds including every day good habits they can follow to be good neighbours to our wildlife, how to help with backyard conservation as well as discuss the consequences of being responsible agents to our natural resources. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 12
Harmony MovementEducator's Equity WorkshopProfessional learning workshops deepen understanding of equity and anti-racism principles and incorporate equitable and anti-racist approaches to enhance positive learning experiences of students. Participants build skills and application of culturally responsive relevant pedagogy and universal design for learning principles in teaching. Topics include: Understanding intersectionality, lived experience and challenging biases, having courageous conversations and responding to inequities using school-based scenarios, reviewing curriculum, lesson plans and assessments to better integrate student voice, reflecting on shifts, and growing your classroom anti-racism and equity practice. Sessions support School Improvement Planning. Suitable: Staff
Harmony MovementSHSM Anti-Oppression and Allyship WorkshopSHSM certification is available to grade 11 and 12 students who wish to enhance their equity learning and its application in their industry focus/workplace. This interactive half-day workshop engages in group discussion, self-reflection through reflection guides and knowledge sharing. Program content includes: Introduction to the concepts of intersectionality, stereotypes, and bias; forms of discrimination including overt, covert and micro-aggressions; going beyond 'diversity' in the workplace; what is allyship and how to be a good ally; moving from allyship to solidarity; and confronting discrimination in the workplace and engaging in courageous conversations. SPE certification may be available. Suitable: Grades 11-12
Heart of a Man (HOAM) Ltd.Welcome WellnessOvercome, elevate, inspire. Donovan is a motivational speaker who inspires others by sharing his story of mental health and wellness. He speaks of his battle with depression and educates on effective communication, vulnerability and resilience. Interactive discussion provides an inspirational message on Black mental health for young men and youth audiences. Integrating stories, statistics, and spoken word, students are engaged and provided with effective strategies for fostering wellness, coping, and reaching out to supports and community resources. The presentation inspires students in defining one’s own struggles, overcoming them with passion and ultimately finding one’s purpose in life. Serving: Grades 9 - 12
Hello Hope Canada Inc.Hello HopeAubrey Noronha offers two presentations, in-person or virtual, to instill hope and better equip students, staff and parents to make their school and community a safe one. "Battling Loneliness & Isolation Before, During, and After COVID19" for the school community provides strategies to tackle stress and anxiety during and after a pandemic as well a sbuilt ongoing psychological/mental health. This presentation provides scientific connections between social media, empathy and the health benefits of face-to-face interactions and practical tips on how to create stronger bonds with family, friends and community. The second presentation, "Colour Blind? Why Being "Not Racist" Is Not Enough" provides a student-friendly primer on bias, evolution of the word racism and offers practical steps for going from "not racist" to "anti-racist".
Higher LoveE.Y.E. (Elevating Youth Everywhere) YogaIn this 8 week program, Black female yoga instructor, Vonnette Forde, offers a practical program for students to learn mindfulness tools to help reduce anxiety and stress. Sessions may be offered in-person or virtually. Using meditation, yoga postures and movement, soft music, vision boarding and gratitude journaling, students develop skills that improve their physical and mental health. Sessions highlight the interconnection between the mind and the body, so students can build on their body awareness and positive mindset. Suitable: Grades 6-12; Staff; Parents/Caregivers
Hockey Diversity AllianceGOHL: Grassroots Original Hockey LeagueThe GOHL program removes barriers and creates opportunities for students in underserved communities to get involved in hockey and sport by providing access, professional coaches and ice-time. This program is for those students that might not have the opportunity to play hockey. Students will be gradually introduced to skating and hockey skills through HDA on-ice curriculum and on and off the ice workshops. Students gain confidence from trying and succeeding in the sport and also improve mental, physical health and wellness and work as a team-building skills. The program runs 15 weeks in each Year of the Term, with 1 hour sessions held once a week and is open to 30 students. Suitable: Grades 2-4
Hockey Hall Of FameDiversity in Hockey ProgramVirtual presentations spotlight the stories of athletes, the history of sport and the present-day headlines for students to examine, understand and champion diversity. Presentation pays homage to athletes who confronted discrimination but through their perseverance and courage, ultimately enriched the landscape of hockey and championed inclusivity. Presentation highlights pioneers who paved the way for hockey players of different ethnicity (including Black, Indigenous, Asian), gender, sexual orientation and physical abilities. Session is augmented through photographs, videos, artifacts and first-person accounts. Suitable: Grades: 7-12
Holland Bloorview HospitalCommunication and Writing Aids ServiceThe Communication and Writing Aids Service (CWAS) program includes an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) service and a Writing Aids (WA) service. AAC provides consultative support to children in the classroom and at home when their speech does not meet their face-to-face communication needs. WA provides technological support (laptop and specialized software) to children who use natural speech as their primary means of communication, but are unable, due to a physical disability, to write with pen and paper functionally. Students who use AAC may also need a WA. Holland Bloorview CWA staff collaborate with the TDSB School Support Team (SST), including the Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational and/or Physical Therapist, Principal, and teacher to determine an appropriate AAC and/or WA system and to facilitate the mutually agreed upon system into the classroom.
Hong Fook Mental Health AssociationWraparound: Making Healthy ChoicesLed by Hong Fook Youth Program Worker, the CHOICES program, serving East Asian and international students from grades 7 – 12 helps youth to create new social connections and strengthen peer to peer relationships. Through games, group work and discussion, youths are able to develop strategies with a focus on life skills, including communication, healthy relationships, stress management, wellness, decision-making, and goal-setting. Suitable: Grades 7-12
Human Moves Inc.Accessible Mini Ping Pong Program is suitable for all grades and abilities. It provides specially designed tables, racquets and ping pong pickup tools, targets and containers of different size. Students learn ball movements, direction control, deflection, bounce control, catching and targeting. Progression moves to racquet and ball timing. As students get more advanced, students learn rally challenges with others, 50 rally challenge, forehand/backhand rally switching providing foundation skills. All participants are given achievable motivational challenges according to their abilities. The design of equipment is wheelchair friendly and can accommodate a wide spectrum of disabilities including movement disorders and cognitive challenges. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 12
Human Rights Legal Support CentreEducating Youth About Workplace Sexual HarassmentPresentations educate students in Grades 9-12 about workplace sexual harassment; assertiveness strategies that they can use in response to sexual violence at work; and, their legal rights as employees in workplaces. Through role playing and activities, students learn consent law, power dynamics, establishing boundaries, effective tips & strategies. Topics include: A Matter of Consent: Understanding Consent and the Law (including in a digital world); Standing Up to Sexual Harassment: Strategies and Rights.
Humber College Institute Early Childhood Studies Field PlacementsEarly Childhood Studies Field Placements provide post-secondary students who are considering a career within early childhood education an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies employed in classrooms. These placements satisfy college course requirements for field placement students to collaborate with TDSB teaching staff to enhance their understanding of curriculum; to plan and implement activities for TDSB students; to foster positive relationships with children, staff, parents, and families, and to provide resources to assist TDSB students to successfully transition through the early grades.
Humber College Institute Guelph-Humber Justice Studies Field PlacementsThis program provides field placement opportunities for students in Justice Studies post-secondary programs. Field placements within TDSB sites provide post-secondary students who are considering a career in their specialized area, an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies working with youth in schools. Field placement students collaborate with TDSB staff to enhance their understanding of curriculum; to plan and implement activities for students; and to foster positive relationships with students, staff and parents. These placements satisfy post-secondary course requirements for field placement experience.
Humber College Institute Humber Nursing Field Placements Nursing Field Placements and their Faculty Advisors collaborate with TDSB Educator Teams (kindergarten to grade two), to develop learning activities that enhance the curriculum and the interested elementary schools' health promotion project or school-wide activities. A member of the faculty from Humber School of Health Sciences is available in the school to supervise the nursing field placement students.
Humber College Institute Inclusive Resource Practice Field Placements Field Placements provide post-secondary students who are considering a career supporting children with diverse needs an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies employed in the classroom. Field placement students collaborate with TDSB staff to facilitate TDSB students' developmental skills for everyday life; support the promotion and maintenance of health and well-being in classrooms; and to foster positive relationships with students and their families in an inclusive practice. These placements satisfy post-secondary course requirements for field placement experience.
Hélène Nicole RichardQuand je serai grand Helene Nicole offers a one-hour performance in French to encourage students to appreciate the French language and culture. Quand je serai grand (When I Grow Up) explores the topic of what it takes to grow up kind, create productive relationships and embrace differences. Six songs guide students in creating their self-portrait, adding layers with each song to showcase their uniqueness. Students learn how to embrace what they cannot change and proactively participate in becoming the best version of themselves while supporting others. The program simplifies complex concepts such as love, self-esteem, kindness, open-mindedness, accountability, and responsibility to self and others. Suitable for French Immersion classes. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12
I Am Compelled CollectiveHope Tour Canadian Heritage comes alive for students in a memorable and impactful way. Performing arts based assembly has audiences follow the lives of three characters who take a class trip to the national museum of history. The teacher engages her class in First Nation, Metis and Inuit culture and heroes. The first student is excited to learn about Canada's past, and is deeply impacted by the reality of residential schools and survivors. The other character is unaware of the past and not interested in learning about 'those people'. Distracted by her electronics and eagerly waiting for the trip to be over, this character has an encounter with the voice of Billy Diamond, both students have a change of heart and practise forgiveness towards themselves and others. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 8
I Challenge DiabetesDiabetes EducationA program that destigmatizes those living with diabetes and provides knowledge and supports to those students living with the disease for the entire school community. Presentation and workshops dispel myths while educating the audience on what it means to live with Type 1 Diabetes including what steps are taken to manage the disease, testing and taking insulin, self care, and use of technology to help those involved succeed. Workshops offer the basics on diabetes including how to use Glucagon to understanding Ministry's PPM 161. Parent workshops are available to provide strategies on how to support students living with diabetes to achieve school success. Serving: Grades 1 - 12
I-ThinkI-Think Together ProgramsThis program equips classrooms to bringing real-world, authentic problems to their learning. Real-world problem solving needs a new set of 3Rs: Real problems - Authentic challenges that connect classrooms to real organizations with real problems; Real people - Organizations that care what insights and your students come to by responding to student recommendations and I-Think will release a report with student insights; Replicable process - A complex problem solving process that leverages Integrative Thinking and Design Thinking to guide students. This recipe ensures that the global competencies, especially creativity, collaboration and critical thinking, and learning skills are core to every classroom. Professional learning available to build school staff teams and system capacity and can be initiated by school leadership, central teams or superintendents, and are customized to meet the needs of the group. Suitable: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12; Staff
Ian KetekuUncover Your Hidden VoiceFacilitated by a National Slam Champion and World Poetry Slam Champion, these workshops introduce students from Kindergarten to Grade 12, to the spoken word form. Sessions encourage students to engage with language in new, personal, and imaginative ways. Writing skills and tools for creative expression are enhanced in grade specific abilities. Students learn the literary tools and techniques used to effectively communicate messages and emotions. Workshops culminate with students performing their own unique spoken word piece to their class.
IndigenEdIndigenEdLed by Veronica Johnny, these assemblies and workshops focus on personal healing and growth and help participants tune into their intuition and artistic gifts. Two-Spirit musician and knowledge keeper, Veronica Johnny shares traditional teachings and drum songs on solo hand drum for students to have a better understanding of Indigenous teachings, music and perspectives. Veronica shares traditional Indigenous percussive techniques, the origin of songs, protocols, and cultural context while leading songs. These workshops provide a safe space for expression and music-making. Veronica can also offer learning about 4 sacred medicines, healing, eco-art, and intuitive art. Suitable: All students; staff
Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC)Digital DASH/Jump-Starting Digital Careers (JDC)Students participate in exploratory learning activities to enhance digital competencies that will open pathways towards digital careers. Activities recreate authentic scenarios to engage students to practise their critical thinking in order to solve a problem while thinking of the consequences of the solution. A variety of workshops provide knowledge on the areas of information and communications technology (ICT), cyber arts, and business skills. Students also have an opportunity to meet industry experts, gain practical industry knowledge and learn about current and emerging STEM careers and pathways in ICT. Professional learning is available for staff. Suitable: Grades 6-12; staff
International Student Exchange - OntarioReciprocal Student Exchanges Reciprocal, individualized, international student exchanges, for students in grades 10 & 11, focuses on language learning, cultural understanding, appreciation and acceptance of others, self-awareness and lasting personal contacts. TDSB promotes the opportunity, while all arrangements are made directly between interested students' families and the reciprocal exchange agency. Ministry of Education guidelines for reciprocal student exchanges are followed as per the Ministry of Education document ‘Enrolment Register Instructions for Elementary and Secondary Schools’. Students may participate in “Go First” or “Host First” exchange. In a “Go First” exchange, the TDSB student will go abroad in February and the visiting student will attend a TDSB school in the following school year. students apply in one school year and reciprocal exchange takes place in the same school year in February. TDSB students host a visiting student in the fall, of the following school year. In a “Host First” exchange, students apply in one school year and reciprocal exchange may take place during both components of the reciprocal exchange take place during the next school year. TDSB students host a visiting student in the fall and then travel overseas in the following spring. The entire exchange takes place within one school year. In both programs, visiting students stay with and attend school with the host student. All exchange agency registration documents completed by parents/caregivers/guardians.
Intuit Canada ULCVirtual Intuit Education ProgramIn collaboration with the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement, this virtual program identifies and addresses barriers Black students, families and communities have with regards to financial literacy, digital equity and design thinking for innovative community-based change. These sessions offer secondary students a chance to learn from industry professionals in technology; develop entrepreneurship skills through authentic business experiences; develop financial habits using real-world simulations; and participate in social entrepreneurship challenges, using Design Thinking methodologies, to solve a real-world challenge in their community. Through these rich experiential learning opportunities (workshops, conferences, exhibitions, competitions) students obtain the skills for career readiness. Professional learning is also available.
IRISRobots Build and LearnEnable students to be active and creative digital learners by using LEGO bricks and digital tools to solve problems and collaborate with each other. These workshops facilitated by Institute of Robotics & Intelligent Systems staff encourage a playful learning environment where students build and program a variety of fun LEGO models. IRIS Canada offers the following workshops for different grade levels (in collaboration with teachers): Grades 1-3 LEGO WEDO, Grades 4-8 LEGO EV3, Grades 6-8 Arduino/Python/C++. In the early grades, students develop an understanding of basic design and work with easy to use platforms which bridge to more complex systems. In the middle grades, students enhance their understanding of coding while constructing programs and robots. The higher grades allow students to design projects with challenging levels of complexity and enhance their programming skills. Serving: Grades 1 - 8
Isaac AkrongAfrican Dance Ensemble (ADE): Dance, Drumming, Music, and StoriesThe cultural history, meaning and context of African music and dance comes alive in these presentations and workshops to the school community. The group performs a number of pieces from their repertoire which spans the continent of Africa, specialization in West Africa. The performance incorporates rich and vibrant costumes, beads, masks, and instruments such as a variety of types of drums, xylophone, shaker, bell and flute. Workshop series and residencies are available for those classes that wish to develop and perform a polished performance piece. All instruments are provided and facilitator demonstrates the song, rhythm and dance so each student has the opportunity to participate in playing, dancing and singing. Delivered in-person or virtual. Serving: All Students
Jakes House for Autistic ChildrenEmployment Skills Readiness ProgramAt select school sites, this special education experiential learning program provides tools, job readiness skills and supports in achieving employment goals for referred students with intellectual/learning disabilities who require extra support as they transition from school to work. In-school weekly employment preparation workshops are provided on a variety of topics: work readiness plan, customer service, resume preparation, and tailored to individuals and their career goals. Referred students increase transferable and core work skills while better understanding their own goals and overcoming challenges as they move closer to being job ready and employment success. Customizable for students and their needs. Suitable: Grades 11-12; 18+
James MandarinoCourage to DreamJay Mandarino shares his life story of overcoming obstacles, achieving success, and giving back to the community in this free inspirational assembly. Students hear a positive message to not let any obstacles stop them from achieving their dreams. Jay Mandarino talks about business and entrepreneurship, confidence and self-esteem and how to live with a learning disability such as dyslexia and ADHD and the life challenges these diagnoses often present. His message empowers students to strive for success in the face of adversity, through the real life examples of lived experience. Presentation is followed by a question and answer period. Serving: Grades 5 - 12
Jane Goodall Institute for WildlifeRoots and Shoots _ Professional Learning Professional Learning Sessions for staff include an overview and discussion on the Jane Goodall Institutes Roots & Shoots youth sustainability program and their focus on climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental inequity. Orienting staff in their ability to guide students of all ages through a 4-step program: STEP 1: Who or What Inspires You? STEP 2: Map Out Your Community STEP 3: Plan An Action Project STEP 4: Reflect on Your Achievements and Celebrate Your Impact! Examples of projects from across Canada will also be shared.
Jane/Finch Community and Family CentreGreen ChangeThis free program enhances ecological literacy through a park design project for elementary schools, in-person or virtually. Students learn design components of a public space as well as equitable, ecological and sustainable models to address community need. Students identify problems in their local park using a design-thinking process and facilitators guide students to take concrete steps to address the issues and work to a solution. Program entails exploring and documenting the space (photography and sketching), creating surveys for class participation, sketching a prototype of their impact project, and presentation of the impact project to the school community. To help schools build capacity following project completion, facilitators support teachers to expand or modify the program in the second year and have regular check-ins. Serving: Grades 3 - 6
Janice PomerDance the Moving WorldExplore dance and create choreography inspired by movement patterns in Nature. Elementary students deepen their movement skills as they interpret aspects of water, earth, plants, animals, the sky and outer space through collaborative explorations and group choreography. Secondary students are introduced to nature-inspired choreographic structures designed to challenge their technical and creative skills. Professional learning sessions provide elementary teachers with the tools to facilitate dynamic movement programs that connect their students with each other, their community, the environment and other areas of the curriculum. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 12; Staff
Jason AldersonMental Health First Aid for StaffFull day course on mental health first aid for staff offered in-person or virtually to increase wellness. Participants will be taught how to notice the changes and signs of a decline in mental well being; how to initiate a conversation and to listen and respond non-judgmentally to family members/friends/colleagues etc.; learn the professional and other supports that exist; to assist in a crisis situation; and to employ self-care when needed to ensure their own well-being. Suitable: Staff
Jeff A.D. MartinYou Are Worth ItEmpowerment assembly and leadership workshops targeted to building up and fostering character development among students. Presentation reinforces the following three points: turning your adversities into your advantages, believing in yourself, the power of self-affirmation. Jeff. A.D. Martin grew up in an underserved neighbourhood within Toronto, facing many disadvantages and can relate to the various struggles that students continue to face today. He shares his own personal stories, which includes loss through violence and also from his fifteen years in law enforcement within various detective roles. Workshops help students to step through their fears and build important life skills to find their life's passion. Suitable: Grades 4-12
Jessica DubeauCreative Dance SolutionsDance enrichment workshops provide choreography in historically black influenced dance genres such as: Hip Hop, Jazz, African, Caribbean (Soca, Dancehall), Contemporary, Musical Theatre, and Disco styles. In a safe, inclusive and encouraging environment, students learn the characteristics of each style through choreographic sequences and fundamental dance and sport movements built into exercises, routines, and rhythmic drills that provide athletic building components that are unique to dance. At the end of a workshop series, students will perform a choreographed routine that was created during the unit. Each type of sessions promotes cultural acceptance, Black awareness and enrichment as well as diversification and anti-racism through practiced mediums and techniques. Serving: Grades K - 12
Jessica TudosEvery Student ThrivesA motivational and interactive presentation from Canadian Olympic gymnast, Jessica Tudos, who inspires students to appreciate the possibilities they have to lead healthy, creative and active lives. By sharing personal stories, life lessons, memorabilia, as well as answering probing questions, Jessica empowers students to tackle life’s challenges and opportunities with more understanding, resilience, and confidence. Modeling a life approach that embraces accepting who you are, staying the course despite the pressure to conform, and prioritizing your health and wellness, are at the heart of Jessica’s message to students. Suitable: Grades K-4
Joanne WeitzmanLet it Go! Mindfulness ServicesAn early years and elementary students' focused workshop on mindfulness, resiliency and well-being. In person or through video-conferencing, workshops cover emotional and self-regulation skills, techniques to practice calm and relaxation, mindful movement, meditation and yoga poses. Sessions incorporate play-based activities, breathing and movement exercises and sensory exploration that are easy to learn for younger audiences. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 6; Professional Learning Sessions for staff; parents/caregivers
Job Talks Inc.The Skilled Trades and YOUIn this interactive virtual presentation, Dr. Jon Callegher helps students see how different careers in the skilled trades and construction industry can address a variety of personal and work-related interests. He introduces the concept of “balanced intelligence” as a defining quality of tradespeople. He explains 5 Reasons To Try An Apprenticeship in high school, including: 1) Get Work Experience, 2) Work With Your Hands, 3) Have Teacher Support, 4) Learn How to Run a Business, and 5) Earn While You Learn. This session helps to change mindsets toward the trades among students, educators and parents. Suitable: Grades 7-11, staff; parents/caregivers
John Howard Society of TorontoH.I.P.P (Helping Individuals Plan Positively) & CYP (Crossroads Youth Program)HIPP is a youth centered program for those aged 16 years and older whom are at risk of becoming engaged in pro-criminal behaviours. This program focuses on helping these young people build the skills to meet educational, employment and personal goals. HIPP strives to find proactive solutions to solve the problems of neighbourhood youth violence. A variety of workshops and opportunities are provided on topics including, but not limited to: personal development and goal setting; employment skills; interpersonal communications skills; anger management; problem-solving; masculinity, respect and violence; conflict mediation skills; self-awareness training; mental health/wellness; cultural competency; legal information and housing assistance. Serving: Grades 10 - 12, referred students in LC2
John HupfieldPowwow Education at Kapapamahchakwew - Wandering Spirit SchoolProgram only occurs at Wandering Spirit School. Program shares Powwow and their significance about cultural teachings, stories, and ways of knowing through an embodied learning at Kapapamahchakwew – Wandering Spirit School and Urban Indigenous Education Centre. Students learn different styles of Powwow dance (fancy shawl, traditional, jingle, grass, woodland, fancy bustle, chicken), different types of regalia and powwow teachings. Additional sessions offered include regalia making and beadwork, especially the research, design and sewing of the regalia. Through dance and movement, oral stories, regalia and beadwork projects, students have a better understanding of Indigenous teachings. Sessions are inclusive to male/masculine, female/femme and two-spirit students. Suitable: All students
Joseph "Joze" PiranianConfronting Adversity, One Word at a TimeAs a lifelong stutterer, Joze shares his story of transformation in this inspirational keynote as a way for students to learn how to face their fears and embrace what makes them unique. Students learn resilience, courage, persistence, and coping skills and enhance their capacities for empathy, inclusion, self-expression, and self-acceptance. In sharing his story, Joze provides the tools to overcome life's obstacles alongside the wisdom that allows us to see them as opportunities for personal betterment; that our fears and insecurities cease to control us when we choose to act in spite of them. Keynote can be presented in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic. Serving: all grades, staff and parents
Junglesport Inc.Adventure Learning A multi-day program with a series of one hour sessions offered each day. Students take part in wall climbing and vertical challenges, the Gorilla Gym individual swinging challenge, Ascending Lines, and challenges such as the Commando Course, Cable Ride and Obstacle Courses. Students are separated into groups by their age and complete age-appropriate activities. The initiative offers programs that engage students of all ages and abilities in climbing and ropes course activities in school gyms. Junglesport's staff supervises the activities. Suitable: Grades 1-12
Junior Achievement of Central OntarioFinancial Literacy, Work Readiness and Entrepreneurship ProgramsProgramming inspires youth to make informed, educated and knowledgeable, financial decisions; to be innovative in generating business ideas and starting their own companies; and, to discover career possibilities and pathways. Led by JACO trained volunteers from the business community, workshops include More than Money; Be Entrepreneurial Junior ; Dollars with Sense; Economics for Success, Personal Finance and several others. Serving: Grades 3 - 12
Junior Achievement of Central OntarioSparking the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Canadian YouthThese free programs are led by Indigenous individuals from the business community to mentor, support and inspire youth to develop the skills they need to achieve their educational and career goals. Workshop delivery includes real world examples from the volunteers' life, educational and work experiences that will be relatable to FNMI (First Nations, Metis, and Inuit) learners while enhancing students' critical thinking and decision making skills. Various programs are offered including financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship for grades 3-8 students.
Just AissiGumboots WorkshopsIntroduce students to a unique and engaging dance where the body becomes a musical instrument through the use of rubber boots. The gumboots dance originated in South Africa and was developed by miners using rhythm and dance in concert with percussive stomping to communicate and express ideas as well as themselves. Students learn the history and cultural development of the style, learn basic steps and choreography, and have the opportunity to collaborate in the creation of a routine. Workshops are offered in both French and English. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 12
Just BGRAPHIC Inc.Just BGraphic ArtsUsing art as a means to engage students, these sessions infuse learning in themes of critical thinking and social awareness through a wide range of artistic disciplines; including visual arts, digital arts, performing arts and leadership. Students have the opportunity to dive into screen printing, music production, dance, public speaking, sound design, animation and vocals. Combining this with a culminating performance, project or activity diversifies the art experience; and encourages students to see themselves as more than artists, but also as innovators and creative leaders! SPE and SHSM certifications are available. Serving: Grades K-12
Kaeja d'DanceCreative Movement and Dance FilmProfessional trained dancers provide dance and movement workshops that touch on fundamental concepts of dance – body, space, time, relationship, and energy – to get all students active and engaged in the creative process. Sessions are delivered in person or virtually. We offer workshops in Dance Improvisation (intuitive movement in response to text, images and soundscapes), Express Dance (creating dances using natural movement vocabulary), Kaeja Elevations (partner work that allows students to soar safely through the air), and Dance Film (choreographing, directing, and editing short dance pieces for the screen). Professional learning for teachers is also available. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 12
Karen ChaboyerResidential Schools & Seven FiresAs a Residential School Survivor, Karen Chaboyer speaks about her lived experience of nine years in a Residential School, its impact on her life, family and community. Available in-person or virtually. She integrates the Seven Fires teachings into her talk. Her presentation cultivates students' knowledge of Aboriginal/Indigenous History and the Residential Schools Era. An engaging, thought-provoking presentation that addresses in a meaningful way the Call to Action statement that "unresolved trauma from residential schools continues to impact individuals, families, communities and nations; and will do so until it is expressed, validated and released in healthy, creative way." Serving: Grades 5 - 12
Kevin CarringtonReggaeciseA virtual, reggae-inspired cardio fitness dance program that improves students' physical literacy and emotional well-being. The program combines dance, aerobic fitness, and reggae music, with high-impact exercise routines. Once students learn choreographed movements, they are encouraged to explore their own creativity by improvising their own dance moves. Students interact with an engaging and positive role model that inspires students to do their best and be their best. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 12
Kick Start Arts SocietyKick Start Arts WorkshopsThe workshops engage students to create multi-disciplinary arts projects and initiatives. Skilled artist-educators bring the arts to life and work with students to deepen their critical thinking, literacy, creative and collaborative skills and build a stronger sense of community. Workshops are crafted to nurture the development of The Arts expectations (drama, dance, music, media, visual art/mural, literary arts) found in the curriculum, while creating an opportunity for fun and meaningful arts immersion. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 12; Professional learning sessions available for staff interested in arts-based learning.
Kids Help Phone/Jeunesse J'EcouteCounsellor in the Classroom/Intervenant·e dans la classePresentation that helps to break down any preconceptions and stigma around Kids Help Phone while promoting discussion of mental health and well-being in students. The counsellor provides an overview of Kids Help Phone, services offered, discuss why it is hard to reach out for help, and provide some common questions and concerns that young people have when seeking help. The class has an opportunity to engage with the counsellor by asking any questions they discussed in the preparation activity. Teachers receive a resource package to support the learning as well as optional extension activities to expand their learning. Sessions may be offered in French. Suitable: Grades 4-12
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