Our Partners

These organizations have educational programming partnership agreements to provide programming during instructional time, in-person or remotely. To find programming of interest to you, search by keyword or sort the list order by clicking on any column title. 

(Please note: after-school programs operate through Permits. Other pathways for agencies to engage with TDSB can be found through our Partnership Opportunities webpage.

Rexdale Community Health CentrePathways to EducationPathways to Education promotes student achievement by supporting secondary school students in selected TDSB Learning Networks to graduate, through mentoring; academic supports; financial supports (bus fare); opportunities for social and community engagement; and, career/post secondary awareness. These integrated supports also offer students financial support through a scholarship toward the cost of applications and tuition for post-secondary education. Pathways Staff and Program Facilitators work with each registered Pathways student. Pathways Staff liaise with local schools to support each student’s needs and achievements. If those students move to different schools, the staff assigned to that student follows that student. This may result in the more than one Pathways delivery agency serving the same school. Serving: Select students, Grades 9-12
Rhythm WorksRhythm Works BOOMMotivational assemblies and workshops promote leadership, confidence and team-building through interactive drumming sessions. Troy Sexton and Sheldon de Souza emphasizes skills in presentation, team-building, leadership, music, creating positive habits and especially the power of believing in oneself. Students, by rotating in groups, all get a chance to participate, and learn skills that can benefit not only in this drumming group but in the classroom and in life. Suitable: Grades 6-12
Rick Hansen FoundationRick Hansen Foundation Virtual PresentationsRick Hansen Ambassadors helps create meaningful dialogue about disability, accessibility and inclusion by providing free presentations. Trained speakers are a diverse group of people with mobility, vision and hearing disabilities that share their inspirational stories with students. Professional learning sessions are also available on building disability awareness, inclusion and citizenship skills in classrooms. Educators receive access to ready-made resources and practical activities they can take into the classrooms immediately. Resources support provincial educational priorities while meeting school communities' social responsibility and inclusion goals: see www.rickhansen.com/schools. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12, Staff
Ringfire ProductionsIndigenous Food Sovereignty EducationChef Johl Whiteduck Ringuette of NishDish shares his journey to reclaim the traditional Anishnawbe diet and the interconnected aspects of Indigenous food. He shares his knowledge on the following topics: nutrition, food preparation and health, food demonstrations, food and ceremony, Anishinawbe botanical teachings, career paths in the culinary arts, impacts of the residential school legacy, land access, and cultivation of Indigenous gardenings. In addition, Chef Johl gives an up-close look at being a successful Indigenous entrepreneur and shares his passion for re-learning and re-establishing Indigenous food lines. Suitable: Select schools (all grades)
Rita DagenaisTreaty Making in CanadaLawyer's perspective on treaty making. Treaties have been signed since 1701 and are still being negotiated today. Every treaty tells a story. The presentation focuses on WHY treaties were signed, with an emphasis on the perspectives of the Indigenous signatories. These sessions provide a brief overview of the history of treaty making, beginning with the Peace and Friendship Treaties signed during the Seven Years War. But I focus primarily on the land cession treaties whereby Indigenous nations surrendered ownership (aboriginal title) of their lands to the Crown. The government wanted to acquire Indians lands to allow for the building of railways, resource development and settlement. I explore the issue of why Indigenous people would sign these treaties. The only way to answer this question is to understand the circumstances faced by Indigenous groups just prior to signing these treaties (disappearance of the buffalo, starvation, epidemics). Focus is on 2 treaties: Treaty 6 signed by the Cree in 1876 and Treaty 7 signed the following year by the Blackfoot. Serving: Grades 9-12
Rock Solid Productions Inc.Rocks and RingsThe program features a variety of drills, relays and team building activities that introduce students to the sport of curling and wheelchair curling with a focus on fun. Unique indoor floor curling equipment is provided and placed in the gym offering an off-ice experience and physical activity. Students will take a seat and experience wheelchair curling as part of the program. Sessions include various drills, relays and team-building activities. It is an inclusive program that allows students of all ages and abilities to compete and play with each other while fostering awareness about sport/parasport, diversity and inclusion. Serving: Grades 1-8
Rodrigo ChavezCASSAVA Latin Rhythms Interactive percussion workshops focused on Latin American rhythms and songs. Students form a circle and play different instruments provided for the session by the partner. Through these sessions, students learn about the history and geography of these fun rhythms as well as the cultures from Cuba, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Trinidad and Brazil. This is a “hands-on experience” that covers rhythms such as Salsa, Cha-Cha, Calypso, Cumbia, Conga, Merengue and Samba. In playing this type of music students acquire a more profound understanding of the music while developing their own capacity. This workshop will have students moving and having an energetic experience which will inspire them to think of music in a different way! Programming is offered in French or English. Serving: Grades 4 - 12.
Roland BibeauBeebo Music: French Music ConcertsThe interactive French and bilingual language music concerts give students the motivation and confidence to sing along to French-language songs. Students learn traditional and contemporary French songs and they lyrics are projected onto a wall or screen to help students sing along. Performances focus on music as a learning tool, and demonstrate how music can be used in teaching students a second language. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 8; French Immersion and FSL classes
Roots of EmpathyRoots of Empathy Classrooms By bringing a real baby and their parent/guardian/caregiver into classrooms, these sessions raise the social and emotional competence of students through increasing students’ capacity for empathy. Witnessing the care and nurturing interactions within the family unit, students observe positive human relationships, helping to shape their interpersonal skills and laying a foundation for their roles as future parents/caregivers and citizens. The program supports the inclusion and commitment to diversity of communities. A neighbourhood baby and their parent/guardian/caregiver visit classrooms every three weeks over the school year. Trained facilitators or TDSB staff, who have completed the ROE professional learning, guide students in observing the baby's development identifying the baby's emotions. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-8, Staff Professional learning certification, 4 day training program, is available to staff.
Roseneath TheatreRoseneath Theatre Touring ProductionsProfessional theatre performances and tailor-made workshops, delivered virtually or in-person, support arts curriculum connections and social justice themes for young audiences. Roseneath Theatre produces 3-5 performances per year that feature a particular theme and focus, written by recognized playwrights from across Canada. A study guide comprises each performance, providing classroom activities, resources, as well as pre and post-show questions. Following each performance, a question and answer session with the cast explores current topics and issues to critically analyze the concepts brought forth, building connections that relate to well-being and our relationship with ourselves and with others. Productions for the current year can be found at www.roseneath.ca. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 12
RPDY FoundationCreative Art and Play Programs In selected LC4 schools, students experiencing social and emotional difficulties are referred by Professional Support Services, to support them through the provision of these specialized opportunities for creative expression. These art and play therapy programs assist students with self-exploration and understanding. Using imagery, colour and shapes; thoughts and feelings can be expressed that may be otherwise difficult for children to articulate. Various art materials and activities are available, including: sand trays, clay projects, puppets, storytelling, music, dance and movement, drama, and various art materials. Serving: Select students, Kindergarten - Grade 8
RumberosCuban-Brazilian Drumming and DanceMaster Rumbero Joaquín Núñez Hidalgo leads performances and workshops on Cuban/Brazilian drumming, music and dance. Students learn cultural history, relationship between music, dance, costume and other forms of Latin arts. Practical demonstration of how the music is executed using traditional instruments are first shown followed by an exploration of the traditional instruments by students. Facilitator brings all instruments for full classroom participation. Students enhance their performance and ensemble skills while gaining a rich knowledge of Cuban/Brazilian music and culture. Traditional dance steps and choreography are explored in the dance workshops. These workshops are an enhancement to TDSB Global Music Program for those schools that wish to further enhance their learning beyond the 8 week classroom visits. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12, Staff
S-Quire Media GroupBehind the LensThis interactive digital media workshop series instructs African/Caribbean/Black (ACB) students from grades 7-12 the fundamentals of photography and videography to create a reflective social media campaign that speaks their truth. Students engage in dialogue to encourage critical thinking around messaging in traditional and new media that shape the way ACB communities are depicted, and identify strategies that can be utilized to incorporate more positive representational images on popular social media platforms. Delivered by a Black media professional, this culturally responsive media program aims to provide a safe space for students to share their authentic experiences and highlight how vital collective school and community support is to their aspirational growth. The 6 part workshop series finishes with students sharing their own edited student creations.
Sam Demma Enterprises Inc.Empty Your BackpackMotivational keynote assembly to increase student well-being, hope and kindness and equip students with tools to being the process of defining who they are and want to become. Everyone has a giant invisible backpack strapped to their shoulders. In these backpacks, students carry the thoughts and opinions that other people place on them that may negatively impact them. Message encourages students to openly talk about their feelings and emotions and equips them with wellness tools. Suitable: Grades 9-12
SAVIS of HaltonConsent, Bodily Integrity and Health RelationshipsPresentations address consent in romantic, social, and sexual contexts for secondary students. Topics include how to navigate social relationships - what is consent, how to ask for consent, how to say no and how to accept hearing no; what makes a healthy relationship, what to look for in relationships and how to navigate different relationships as young people. Consent in relation to sexual violence is also outlined to address the unfortunate prevalence of sexual violence in our communities. Presentations are delivered with time for discussion and reflection by students throughout the session. Grades 9-12
Scarborough Centre for Healthy CommunitiesHEALTH for ScarboroughEvidence-based workshop series to support mental health and well-being of students in grades 3-12 in Scarborough. Presentations are delivered to increase students' understanding of mental health and cover topics such as stress management, sleep, social media use, healthy relationships. A nurse and outreach worker present the same session to all students in each grade for the day. Ensuring communication with the school team and/or Professional Support Services team, these services enhance services already provided in the school. Suitable: Grades 3-12
Scarborough Rotary Passport ClubBrush-a-maniaThis interactive in-person or virtual presentation is delivered to elementary students to promote good oral health every April which is proclaimed Oral Health Month. Dentist and Rotarians visit schools to provide information on proper brushing and flossing techniques, good oral hygiene practice, and healthy eating. Students each receive a toothbrush to practise brushing their teeth, answer questions about brushing and have the opportunity to ask questions to the dentist. Students, teachers and parents are also invited to track students daily brushing habits in-class, and at home via an online 'brushtracker'. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-8
Scarborough Women's CentreBuilding Strong FuturesInteractive workshops engage students identifying as female in Grades 7-12, in Scarborough schools. A support network is built, through discussion, life skills development, and information that enhances their confidence to make positive life choices, plan for their futures, become independent, and navigate the challenges that arise in the lives of young women on their pathways to adulthood. Topics include, but are not limited to: Building Self-Esteem and Confidence, Body Image, Healthy Relationships, Conflict Resolution, Future Planning, Self-Care Practices, and Personal, Educational and Career Goal Setting. Workshops for all-gender audiences are also available. Women's and Gender Issues are raised and analysed from an intersectional perspective. Grades 7-12.
SCHCPediatric Health Initiative ClinicClinics in elementary and secondary schools address the issue of students in inner city communities who come to school with undiagnosed and untreated health concerns that prevent them from learning. Its objective is to provide students with access to a medical clinic, on site, in schools. Medical practitioners, (including but not exclusive to: nurse practitioners, physicians, pediatricians, community health workers) consult with students (and, if elementary school age, with their families) on a variety of medical, behavioural and developmental and school-related concerns. Services may include, and are not limited to: 1. Medical - providing diagnoses, prescribing medications, health counselling and referrals to other medical specialists, or dietician. 2. Behavioural and Developmental - providing diagnoses, prescribing medications, related mental health counselling, referrals to specialist and/or community agencies. 3. Clinical services will be provided on a referral basis from parents/guardians; TDSB Professional Support Services; local Principals from schools surrounding school in which clinic site is hosted. Services are customized and implemented as required based on presenting issues Clinic practitioners are also available to meet with designated School Support Teams in schools, when needed, as mutually scheduled. Administration of clinic appointments is facilitated by clinic staff.
Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging FoundationCareers in Long-Term CareIn-person or virtual presentations by professional staff in the long-term care sector provide information on long-term care and the variety of careers available in the sector to secondary students. Presentation addresses and tackles real day challenges to the industry. Staff from long-term care homes may be available alongside partner staff to provide first-hand information about their roles and experiences. Presentation provides career profiles, person-centred vocabulary, videos, resources followed by a question and answer period. The partner is affiliated with the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation (OCLRI). SPE (Sector Partner Experience) may be available.
Scientists in SchoolScientists in SchoolFacilitated by experts in scientific and engineering fields, workshops provide an opportunity for elementary teachers' professional learning through collaborative delivery of these sessions immersed in inquiry based learning. Students peer into microscopes; test their powers of observation; design pneumatic models to solve a problem; explore insect adaptations; experiment with levers and build bridges to their futures. Scientists in School provides specialized materials and equipment to make each session a hands-on experience for every child; and provides comprehensive teacher resource packages to make each session and its extension activities a professional learning opportunity for staff. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-8, Staff
Scott Ste MarieSocial Media & Mental HealthThis presentation educates students on the relationship between social media use and their psychological, emotional and social emotional well-being. Students gain a deeper understanding of the impact social media use has on their emotional well-being and how to use it safely. Mental health speaker, Scott Ste Marie, shares his honest experience being a YouTuber (reaching over 30 million people worldwide), showing students the reality behind these platforms and inviting them to think critically about how they treat others online and what content they consume. Students are immediately engaged as Scott shows background analytics to his own videos and how he personally has to manage his own online engagement and prioritizes what is truly important offline. Serving: Grades 4-12, Parents/caregivers
Seedling StoriesHands in the GardenThis food and garden program allows students to get their hands dirty while gardening, growing food, and learning about the natural environment and sustainability. Students learn and explore plant life cycles, biodiversity, composting, garden creatures, measuring and mapping garden beds, people involved in the food system, harvesting and creating simple snacks, and writing poems and creating skits about the garden. Through this hands-on program, students apply concepts they have learned in class in practical and direct ways. With a variety of workshops to choose from, some may be delivered virtually, this program is suitable for early years and elementary students and is offered in both French and English. Many of the workshops offered by this program do not require schools to have a garden and are available throughout the school year. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-8
Selflove Youth Wellness and EmpowermentMake Ur Mark Virtual Series: Resilience & RestorationHosted by mentor and Black leader, Kym Niles, this live conversation brings together in a question and answer format, Black leaders who share their experiences in overcoming systematic barriers and how they managed their mental well-being in their pursuit to achievement. These in-person or virtual sessions allow community leaders from a vast array of fields and professions to share their story, coping strategies and success stories. The presentation finishes with an opportunity for students to ask questions that are relevant to them, especially those from the BIPOC community. Suitable: Grades 9-12
Seneca CollegeChild and Youth Care (CYC) Field PlacementsThis program provides field placement opportunities for students in Child and Youth Care post-secondary programs. Field placements within TDSB sites provide post-secondary students who are considering a career in their specialized area, an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies employed in classrooms. Field placement students collaborate with TDSB staff to enhance their understanding of curriculum; to plan and implement activities for students; and to foster positive relationships with students, staff and parents. These placements satisfy post-secondary course requirements for field placement experience. Child and Youth Care field placement students may support TDSB students at any of the following activities: workshops; presentations; life skills development projects, campaigns and/or resources development.
Seneca CollegeEarly Childhood Studies Field PlacementsEarly Childhood Studies Field Placements provide post-secondary students who are considering a career within early childhood education an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies employed in classrooms. These placements satisfy college course requirements for field placement students to collaborate with TDSB teaching staff to enhance their understanding of curriculum; to plan and implement activities for TDSB students; to foster positive relationships with children, staff, parents, and families, and to provide resources to assist TDSB students to successfully transition through the early grades.
Seneca CollegeImmigrant & Refugee Studies SSW Field Placements This program provides field placement opportunities for Seneca College Students in the Immigration & Refugee Studies Social Service Work program. Field placements within TDSB sites provide post-secondary students who are considering a career in their specialized area, an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies employed in TDSB sites. Field placement students collaborate with TDSB staff to enhance their understanding; to plan and implement activities; and to foster positive relationships with TDSB communities: students, staff and parents. These placements satisfy post-secondary course requirements for field placement experience.
Seneca CollegeLibrary and Information Technician Field PlacementsThis program provides field placement opportunities for post-secondary students in Library and Information Technician programs. Field placements within TDSB sites provide post-secondary students who are considering a career in their specialized area, an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies employed in schools. Field placement students collaborate with TDSB staff to enhance their understanding of curriculum and information/resource needs; to plan and implement activities for students; and to foster positive relationships with students, staff and parents. These placements satisfy post-secondary course requirements for field placement experience.
Shakespearience Performing ArtsThe Shakespearience ExperienceInteractive workshops in-person and through video-conferencing empower students by developing character, confidence communication and other essential soft skills through creatively and collaboratively overcoming the challenges they often associate with Shakespeare's language. Students are assisted by some of Canada’s most celebrated and talented professional actors. These professionals demonstrate in a unique and innovative way how an artist’s approach to the texts, combined with a little persistence, imagination and hard work, can unlock and demystify material many young people find so difficult. Professional learning sessions are also available for this programming that has been hailed as "outstanding," "epic," "transforming," "engaging" and "something that exceeded all of my expectations." Serving: Grades 4-12
Shane PhilipsMindfulness and Yoga for KidsProgram uses the foundational tools of breathwork, mindfulness and mindful movement to increase students' sense of well-being. Using his experience as a yoga instructor, vocal coach, professional singer, dancer as well as a martial arts instructor, Shane uses different techniques to engage with elementary students. Each session begins with warm down, breathing exercise, sounding exercise, mindful walking, yoga and breath and a mindful meditation. The exercises are always adapted to the needs of students/class in consultation with the teacher. Suitable: Kindergarten; Grades 1-8
Shelley KavanaghExpressive ArtsArt therapy sessions help students explore and name emotions to find acceptance thereby enhancing one’s sense of well-being. Participants learn strategies to better regulate their emotions, manage conflict internally and be able to share their experiences with others. Students receive carefully designed art prompts that can transform challenges and nurture in moving collectively into a world that is inextricably interconnected and regenerative. At the same time, facilitator helps to provide opportunities for participants to build skills that develop interpersonal effectiveness and tolerate distress through processes of containment, integration, self-soothing, building mastery and hope. These guided small group sessions especially help aid those that have experienced trauma or stress and provides a creative outline to express their emotions. Participants learn strategies to better regulate their emotions, manage conflict internally and be able to share their experiences with others. Suitable: Referred by PSS Gr. 9-12
Sheridan CollegeChild and Youth Care (CYC) Field PlacementsThis program provides field placement opportunities for students in Child and Youth Care post-secondary programs. Field placements within TDSB sites provide post-secondary students who are considering a career in their specialized area, an opportunity to gain direct experience in understanding the learning strategies employed in classrooms. Field placement students collaborate with TDSB staff to enhance their understanding of curriculum; to plan and implement activities for students; and to foster positive relationships with students, staff and parents. These placements satisfy post-secondary course requirements for field placement experience. Child and Youth Care field placement students may support TDSB students at any of the following activities: workshops; presentations; life skills development projects, campaigns and/or resources development.
Silvija VukadinovicFrom Yoga Mat to Peaceful ClassroomFrom Yoga Mat to Peaceful Classroom introduces yoga, breathing and mindfulness techniques. The program can be adapted for students, staff, parents, at multiple levels and all age groups. It can be delivered online, in a space that accommodates mats, as well as in a traditional classroom with students standing or sitting at their desks. Through mindful movement, relaxation exercises and meditation, participants develop social-emotional and life skills that enhance their health and well-being. Suitable: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12; Staff; Parens/Caregivers
Sir Frederick Banting Legacy FoundationDiabetes and Sir Frederick BantingVirtual presentation raises diabetes awareness, reduce risk of youth developing Type 2 diabetes, and discuss Banting and the discovery of Insulin - Canada's gift to the world. Facilitated by SFBLF staff, teachers can pick from four sessions: 1. Understanding Diabetes and Prevention Basics; 2. Living with Diabetes and the Impact (including coping at school); 3. Discovery of Insulin and the Lasting Impact; 4. About Banting and the History. Each hour presentation includes a multi-media tutorial, interactive questions and opportunity for question and answer. Follow-up team-based activities continue the learning after the presentation. Serving: Grades 5-12.
Skills For Life Inc.Youth Empowerment Through Life SkillsThese in-person or virtual sessions help develop important life skills and to develop the positive personal and professional networks for success. By understanding and developing qualities of self and emotional intelligence, students develop a growth mindset to take on the world and its challenges. Workshop topics include: self-esteem, goal setting, networking, self-discovery and community engagement. Interactive workshops utilize storytelling, multimedia videos, quotes, games and discussions.
Skills OntarioSkilled Trades & TechnologiesThese virtual or in-person presentations raise awareness of skilled trades and technology careers. They also address stigmas that may be associated with choosing these pathways, and encourage students to explore their interests. Facilitators provide relevant information about various apprenticeships in general, current trends, and the benefits of various careers in skilled trades and technology. Students find out how to acquire preparatory skills, experiences and exposure to various skilled trades' pathways. A focus on increasing the number of young women and Indigenous Youth who enter skilled trades is emphasized through these sessions and additional experiential learning opportunities. Sessions are available in English and French. Suitable: K-12.
SMILE Canada - Support ServicesCulturally Responsive Disability Support WorkshopPresentation and workshops raise awareness on the intersectional needs of racialized families with children and youth with disabilities for the school community. It provides an overview on the intersections of xenophobia, racism, Islamophobia, and ableism, while speaking about the importance of incorporating culturally responsive support within all models of service delivery. Sessions generate conversation, use case studies, share examples and experiences and increase participants' understanding of how they can contribute to the journey towards a more accessible and inclusive society. Topics such as language, assumption and bias, ableism, intersectionality are covered in this workshop. Suitable: All grades; staff; parents/caregivers
Socacize Fitness Inc.Socacize KidzA fitness program that is a creative blend of authentic Caribbean and African dance techniques matched with effective fitness moves, all set to infectious music for all students. Full day assemblies/performances and individual workshops are delivered by a team of professionals. Students are guided through fitness-focused activities such as Bacchanal Warm Up, Cardio Soca Jam, Mindful Motion, Follow the Leader, Drumming Circle and Limbo demonstration. Custom choreographed routines and performances by our professionals are also available to further enhance students' knowledge of Afro-Caribbean culture. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12
Social Circus Circle Social Circus Arts Skills WorkshopsSocial Circus workshops build students' emotional, social and communication skills in a unique way. Offered in-person, these sessions expose students to the circus arts that can include theatre games, tricks, clowning, character work, flexibility and physical conditioning, yoga, dance, juggling, partner balancing, object manipulation/balancing, and more, based on students' interests. Students enhance their physical literacy skills such as strength, coordination, body awareness, hand eye coordination, using left and right sides of body, balance and stabilizers. Professional circus artists guide participants through various activities -in an adaptive, progression based style - emphasizing the importance of communication skills in these sessions; emotional and physical safety when trying new and creative movements; self-awareness and trust when working on new skills; a sense of belonging and team-building through various exercises and when designing an optional circus arts performance opportunity.
Soul Drums Ltd.Soul P.O.P. Percussion Optimizes Potential (P.O.P.) enhances music and life skills through drumming. Sessions include drum circles in small or large class formats and offered in person or virtually. This hands-on workshop provides students an opportunity to enhance their drumming skills with an emphasis on communication, team building, positive risk taking and leadership skills. Activities include musical games, song chants and performing music using a variety of percussion instruments. Professional learning opportunities are available to staff who wish to enhance skills as a drum circle facilitator. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12, Staff
South Riverdale Community Health CentrePediatric Health Initiative ClinicClinics in elementary and secondary schools address the issue of students in inner city communities who come to school with undiagnosed and untreated health concerns that prevent them from learning. Its objective is to provide students with access to a medical clinic, on site, in schools. Medical practitioners, (including but not exclusive to: nurse practitioners, physicians, pediatricians, community health workers) consult with students (and, if elementary school age, with their families) on a variety of medical, behavioural and developmental and school-related concerns. Services may include, and are not limited to: 1. Medical - providing diagnoses, prescribing medications, health counselling and referrals to other medical specialists, or dietician. 2. Behavioural and Developmental - providing diagnoses, prescribing medications, related mental health counselling, referrals to specialist and/or community agencies. 3. Clinical services will be provided on a referral basis from parents/guardians; TDSB Professional Support Services; local Principals from schools surrounding school in which clinic site is hosted. Services are customized and implemented as required based on presenting issues Clinic practitioners are also available to meet with designated School Support Teams in schools, when needed, as mutually scheduled. Administration of clinic appointments is facilitated by clinic staff.
South Riverdale Community Health CentreSouth Riverdale Health Clinic_CALCThe health clinic provides quality clinical and social programs and services to adult students at City Adult Learning Centre. In consultation with staff and students, low-threshold access to clinical and care coordination is available, and engages students and community partners in the development of appropriate programming with the vision to improve the lives of students facing barriers to their physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being. Core services being provided to CALC include: A weekly drop in clinic led by a Nurse Practitioner (1 day), case management by a Client Care Coordinator (2.5 days), and annual flu clinics and TB screening. Group sessions which are delivered alongside CALC staff include: Sexual health in collaboration with Biology classes, strategies in self-care such as how to eat healthy on a budget, positive parenting, and housing support in partnership with housing/settlement workers.
Sparx Studio Acting Inc.Empowered ActingSparx Studio Empowered Acting expands upon dramatic arts, health, language and social-emotional learning objectives and integrates it within popular and fun acting activities. Students learn anti-bullying, personal safety skills, positive communication and appreciation and teamwork through acting. A variety of tableu/scenarios are provided for students to play and experiment with the scene, see different perspectives and practice responses all within a structured and play-based learning environment. Specific learning goals are achieved in consultation with the teacher and the curriculum focus. Suitable: Gr K-8.
Special Olympics Ontario Inc.Special Olympics Ontario SchoolsThis initiative offers competitive and developmental athletic opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities in programming that is exclusively for them or inclusive (unified) for all students. Professional learning sessions for staff are also offered to provide staff with training, support and resources that increase Special Education students’ physical literacy and sport specific skills development. Programming includes: Active Start; FUNdamentals; Youth Multi-Sport; Coaching Young Athletes; Sports Festival; Health Action and My PHAL (Physical Health Active Living). And, athletic competition qualifiers and championships are organized in which student athletes with special needs compete, and opportunities for all students are offered to engage and support their peers with disabilities. See details at www1.specialolympicsontario.com/schools/. Serving: Grades 1-12, Staff
Spotlights WorldSpotlight DanceSpotlight Dance provides inclusive choreography in a variety of genres for students to participate with a full body workout infused with positive energy and spirit. These dance workshops create a welcoming space for dancers of all levels that include Dancehall, Hip-Hop, Afro, Afro-infused, and Soca. These sessions enhance coordination and movement, not only honing existing skills but also cultivating new physical skills. Suitable: Gr. 7-12
Stand Up for Student Well Being Laugh More, Worry LessParticipants learn about stand-up, improv and meme comedy using an innovative, activity-based program to teach literacy skills through a lens of resilience and well-being. Comedian coaches support participants with a curriculum to develop comedy routines, writing for performing for their peers. Several activities are completed in a single workshop, or in a series of sessions. These include introducing writing prompts for students to create jokes/stories and workshop their ideas into comedy performances. Students build their confidence in public speaking and creative writing skills by shaping their own stories while channeling healthy humour in a positive way. Serving: Grades 5 - 12, Staff
Stefanie Ricchio Business Consulting IncAccounting, Income Tax, and Business in the 21st CenturyFinancial literacy presentations bridge the gap between the classroom and workplace experience of accounting; filing income tax; and business entrepreneurship. Various sessions and downloadable tutorials on financial literacy are available with an emphasis on personal tax and business plan development. Sessions on Canadian Income Tax include “How To” demonstrations and materials to provide a foundational level of tax understanding. Sessions on how to apply for the Disability Tax Credit for individuals with learning disabilities are available for students and parents to learn more about the complexity in applying and the path to getting approved. Sessions on Business Plan development in a modern-day context include an emphasis on automation tools. Students learn how to create a business plan that leverages technology in order to understand business as it is today. Serving: Grades 10 - 12
Stefano MancusoDrumming WorkshopsProfessional ethnomusicologist provides enhanced world percussion workshops focusing on rhythm, song and movement from various countries. These workshops not only provides drumming technique, rhythms and repertoire but an appreciation in music in general. Students have a hands-on opportunity to explore self-expression and creativity through composition and performances. Students experience singing, drumming, and movement, as well as discover an array of languages (Portuguese, Spanish, Ga, and Malinke to name a few). In addition, geography and history will be discussed as it relates to the music explored. Serving: Grades 9-12
Steve AndersonInspire, Motivate and Build Leadership and Resiliency SkillsSessions inspire, motivate and help develop leadership and resiliency skills for students to achieve success despite challenges and setbacks. Steve Anderson details the complexities of growing up in the Jane and Finch community, being the first Black lawyer hired by the TTC, and the first racialized person to be elected as Shelburne deputy mayor. Students will learn key lessons about overcoming setbacks, making the right choices, the power of mentorship and selecting the right friends. Sessions may be especially helpful for BIPOC students who are often overlooked and made to feel they cannot achieve success at the highest levels and also to change the narrative for Black students. Suitable: All grades
Stolen From Africa/Volé D'AfriqueStolen From Africa Interactive assembly and arts-based workshops that promote social justice and builds cross cultural understanding for racialized and marginalized students. Facilitators discuss themes of Black Diaspora history, identity, relationships, resilience and self-advocacy. Students explore self-identity, reflect on impact on their community, and share their stories with peers through working on an arts, music, digital/social media projects. Professional learning is available for staff to explore barriers and challenges that Black and diverse youth face and share strategies on how to teach culturally-responsive lessons to engage diverse learners. Workshops are also offered in French. Serving: Grades 4 - 12
Story PlanetYoung Writers Led by professional writers and artists, Story Planet workshops provide students the opportunity to develop their skills in creative expression and literacy through story creation across a variety of media, including writing, illustration, and digital media. Fun, interactive programs immerse students in the creative process as they work in groups and independently to write and share stories. Most programs result in a printed book or e-book of their work. Students can also work towards content for our podcast including creating songs, stories, poems, and interviews. A bi-annual anthology of selected work from students can be published according to the themes of each book. Serving: Grades 1 - 8; Professional Learning for Staff
Stratford FestivalLearning Through TheatreWorkshops offer enrichment to the Stratford Festival's season plays with a focus on contemporary engagement with Shakespeare, Musical Theatre and contemporary plays. They may focus on a genre or a specific play with an emphasis on key issues/questions explored and what they mean to students. They may include an introduction to fight choreography as well as an invitation for students to learn and develop particular dance choreography or vocal arrangements. All workshops are delivered by professional teaching artists through communal active exercises and hands-on exploration. Professional development workshops for staff and specialized customized workshops are also available. Serving: Grades 3-12, Staff
Street Safe Self Defence Training CoSelf-Defence and Personal Safety TrainingStrategies to avoid violence that address the physical, psychological and emotional elements of self-defence are learned by grades 7-12 students through these workshops. Students learn awareness, prevention and mindset skills, how to recognize social and anti-social violence and avoid it, and basic physical skills of self- defence designed to be effective for all. While no one skill is guaranteed to protect students from harm, this workshop series is designed to provide tips, skills and knowledge that can dramatically increase their abilities to stay safe. Included are defenses against the most frequent attacks in an easy to understand manner with practical, active drills; the mindset to get home to their family, and methods to strengthen their chance of survival if faced with conflict, confrontation, bullying or harassment. Mock attacks are completed at the end of training to allow students to test their skills. Suitable: Grades 7-12
Studio 180 TheatreStudio 180 IN CLASS The program uses drama to create a brave space for effective dialogue and self-discovery. Workshops delivered in person or via video-conferencing, offer in-depth, immersive experiences that mine the unique power of the theatre to humanize social and political issues and cultivate open dialogues and artistic expression. Artist educators work with students to encourage them to think critically, explore multiple viewpoints, promote empathy and inspire creativity through proposition exercises, hot seating and improvisation. Workshops may be based on Studio 180’s current production, works in development, or may be theme-based and explore topics including identity, community, family and personal responsibility. Serving: Grades 9-12
Success Beyond Limits Education Program Inc.Success Beyond Limits Summer Credit Support Supports and activities that include youth-to-youth peer mentorship engage grade 8 students who are enrolled in a Continuing Education summer course that nurtures a successful transition into secondary school. For students in Learning Centre 2, these curriculum enhancement activities inspire and assist them to improve their educational outcomes, expand possibilities, and provide support to expand their individual paths to success.
Suitcase Theatre Arts and Education Outreach Inc.Suitcase Dramatic Arts Workshops A menu of workshops is available to choose from, including: "All the World is a Stage" is an engaging and interactive workshop that gives students the opportunity to explore the vibrant history of live theatre. Students will learn about the importance of collaboration as they work with their peers to create short adaptations of classical fairy tales and fables. “Improv your Acting” is a lively and humour-filled workshop that invites students to think on their feet as they are introduced to the world of improvisation. This exhilarating workshop encourages teamwork and peer support as they work together to create scenarios that invite fast creative thinking and a quick all mixed with a good dose of humour. “Confidence Creates Character” offers students a safe space to express themselves. Students will explore strategies to approach difficult social settings by developing skills to alleviate anxiety, deal with peer pressure and handle bullying. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 8, Select Students 9-12
Suitcase Theatre Arts and Education Outreach Inc.Suitcase Theatre PerformancesThese musicals and plays inspire and promote positive self-awareness and well-being through storytelling, singing, the visual arts and drama. Characters in the plays and the characterization workshops create positive role modelling; encourage self-confidence, kindness and compassion; promote building healthy relationships, resilience and collaboration. They help students understand narrative structure, enhance character development in drama and enrich their vocabulary in the creative development process. Performances are suitable for special education classes and students of all neurodiversities. Suitable: Kindergarten, Grades 1-5 (possibility up to Grade 8)
Summit LeadersHigh School Entrepreneurship Program MBA students and industry professionals will be paired with classes to facilitate 5 workshops to help students design their pitches and comprehensive business cases. Students will develop a business idea, a business case, and present to a panel of expert judges in this program. This program aims to support with building of skills to enable students to explore entrepreneurship as a viable career option and develop a mindset of innovation and creativity. Expanded networks, practical experience, feedback from experts, and confidence building are a few of the expected outcomes for students engaged in this competition. Suitable: Grades 11-12.
Sunnybrook Academic Family Health TeamHealth Roadshow: Ask a Family DoctorPresentations related to mental and physical health may include topics of sexual health, anxiety, sleep, depression, substance abuse, bullying, aggression/anger, body image, nutrition as well as coping skills and stress reduction techniques. Students learn strategies to improve their personal well-being. Interactive methods such as games and small group activities are used followed by an anonymous question and answer sessions. Family Medicine Residents work with Learning Centre 1 secondary schools: Leaside High School and Marc Garneau Collegiate staff (i.e. Guidance, Physical Education or Professional Support staff) to identify topics and review presentations. Serving: Grades 9-12
Sunshine Therapy DogsTherapy DogsPet therapy sessions, with small groups of select students referred by TDSB Professional Support Services, reduce students’ stress and anxiety by providing physical and emotional support in school communities that have experienced a traumatic event or crisis. Trained therapy dogs are accompanied by their certified handlers who guide each interaction. Suitable: referred students Kindergarten-grade 12; staff
Tadiem Inc.An Introduction to Advertising, Design and PRThis presentation for secondary students, delivered by industry professionals, looks at the roles within advertising, public relations and design, and the work that goes into developing a public campaign. Facilitators bring case studies to show students the degree to which advertising and PR campaigns can affect trends and public discourse while highlighting the jobs that make it all happen. Content also includes why these careers are worth pursuing, an overview of various roles and how best to get started. This presentation complements the Marketing courses of the Business Studies curriculum and provides students an opportunity to learn and explore this industry.
TAIBU Community Health CentreThe PLUG ProjectThe project focuses on violence prevention and developing conflict mediation skills for student success, especially for Black and/or marginalized youth. Through workshops, students learn how to resolve conflict in a variety of scenarios, develop techniques that de-escalate a situation, work on anger management, and develop strategies for better communication. Parent workshops are available to better support their child. Suitable: Grades 7-12; Parents/caregivers
Taking IT Global Youth AssociationConnected NorthEducators, staff and students at the TDSB Urban Indigenous Education Centre are supported in the use of collaborative technology and virtual visits from Connected North lead staff, Waukomaun Pawis, or designate. Through collaborative project based learning, unique content and connections are developed for schools in the north and in the south to access cultural exchange opportunities and curriculum enhancement. Urban Indigenous students and staff connect through visiting partners and online video-conferencing with Indigenous school communities in remote locations, providing them access to expertise that might otherwise have been very difficult to acquire. Serving: Grades 1-12, Staff
Talli OsborneConfidence is BeautifulBorn without arms and missing bones in her legs, Talli Osborne imparts important lessons to students on how to persevere despite physical disabilities and differences in this motivational assembly. She shares stories of achieving success in the face of bullying and life's many adversities. She encourages us to be more empathetic and compassionate, rallying acceptance towards ourselves to consider the fortunes we do have, rather than the ones that we do not. Through her unique perspective, Talli Osborne gives reasons for students to accept who they are and share that same acceptance towards others. This presentation is followed by a Q & A. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12, Staff, Parents/Caregivers
Tata Consultancy Services Canada Inc.goIT virtualgoIT is an innovative, experiential and immersive program for students and staff to learn about TDSB’s Global Competencies and Tata’s Five Forces. Elementary and secondary teachers will create curricular based Global Competency learning experiences and collaborate with TCS employees to bring real world digital knowledge, expertise and practical 'real-work' experience into TDSB classrooms to help teachers and students make globally competency connections. Various initiatives, reflective of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, have participants investigate the world, recognize perspectives, communicate ideas and take action. Sessions are led by TCS Associates as Mentors, including student alumni of goIT who have graduated or are those in secondary grades coaching junior grades in their activities. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12, Staff
Taylor SutherlandChekhov TheatreAnton Chekhov's writing revolutionized the world of theatre. He wrote stories that championed the everyday man living a common life, characters who suffer defeats both great and small, at once comic and tragic. This workshop teaches acting techniques rooted in the work of Stanislavsky and Mikhail Chekhov. Students explore one of Chekhov's plays and build scene work using character analysis, improvisation, etudes, ensemble development and choral chant culminating in a presentation at the end of the workshop series. Serving: Grades 9-12
Team UnbreakableTeam UnbreakableA comprehensive professional learning programming focuses on ’physical health for mental health’ themes, using running as a way for school communities to support and maintain students’ positive mental health. Programming is designed with evidence based strategies and evaluated by the Mental Health and Physical Activity Research Center at the University of Toronto. Programming with students operates in interested schools, with designated staff who have received professional learning from Team Unbreakable. Additional programming details and resources are found online at www.team unbreakable.ca. Serving: Staff
TELUS Communications Inc.TELUS WiseCyber safety, security issues and ensuring a positive digital footprint are discussed in four age / audience appropriate workshop options: * TELUS Wise footprint - is designed to help elementary school students learn how to be good digital citizens and keep their digital footprint clean. * TELUS Wise in control - engages middle school, and junior high students in a discussion about cyberbullying, identity theft, protecting and positively growing their online reputation and more. Parents receive tips and strategies on how to respond to their child focuses on topics including screen time, gaming, sexting, cyberbullying and more. * TELUS Wise impact - engages middle school and junior high students in a conversation about cyberbullying, helping them explore and understand different options for safe and appropriate ways of intervening and responding when they witness cruel behaviour online. * TELUS Wise happiness - engages teen students in a conversation about building and maintaining a healthy relationship with technology and offers tips on ensuring resiliency and well-being in our connected world. Tip sheets and resources will be shared to embed the learning. Suitable: Grades 3-12, Staff, Parents/Caregivers
The Arts Access FundArts Access In The SchoolsThese free arts-focused workshops are facilitated by professional artists in a variety of disciplines in select schools. Students participate in various activities that include mixed media, photography, sculpture, architecture, performing arts and creative movement. Workshops integrate cross-curricular subjects such as media literacy, language, social studies, science and math; and creativity and self-expression through creative expression. Students develop a greater understanding of the world around them through their own creativity. Consultation with teachers prior to sessions occur to ensure enhancement to the curriculum. Suitable: Kindergarten; Grades 1-8
The Concerned Kids Charity of TorontoCommunicating Through Puppetry to Create Safe School CommunitiesThe Concerned Kids educates children about important social issues like bullying, mental health, celebrating differences, self-esteem, cyber safety, cyberbullying, respect, and inclusion through the uniquely engaging art of puppetry. Our cast of diverse puppets educates students in Kindergarten-Grade 5 about making kinder choices using our TCK ‘heart’ values of humility, empathy, allyship, respect, and trust to create safer school communities for all. Each presentation is followed by a question and answer session to allow students to ask questions about the issues raised, and solidify the learning objectives of the performance. Suitable: Kindergarten Grades 6
The Earth Rangers FoundationEarth Rangers AssemblyThe Earth Rangers Assembly offers an engaging and interactive presentation bringing concepts of science and biodiversity from the real world into the classroom, in person and via video-conferencing. Using live Animal Ambassadors including reptiles, mammals and birds to connect with students, students develop empathy for wildlife and are encouraged to support the protection of animals and their habitats. Threatened Canadian species, the importance of protecting the environment and adopting more sustainable behaviours are highlighted. Earth Rangers provides information on how to make a difference through tangible activities and conservation projects for students to complete at home at www.earthrangers.org/bring-back-the-wild-curriculum-resources. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-8 Notes with partner: the staff PD is an online course which is considered a learning resource. Central depts have reviewed and found to be beneficial but local school decision. If they are actually doing PD in classroom then we'll need to revise description.
The EduCare InitiativeTraining Educators Regarding Children and Young People In/from CareDesigned and facilitated by young people with child welfare lived experience, this virtual 3 hour workshop is for educators to encourage a deeper discussion on system barriers and how to better inform and support youth in care. Workshop provides participants a thorough understanding of the following: trauma-Informed approaches in school settings (and beyond), systemic racism/oppression, and family privilege. Participants develop more effective strategies for engaging young people in care and the significance of a relational approach. Suitable: Staff
The flight Power Foundation7 Pillars of LeadershipA workshop series demonstrating seven key skills/habits that establish a growth mindset and contribute toward leadership development and success for students in Grades 6-12. Areas of focus include responsibility, goal-setting, mobilizing change, changing thought patterns, how to make difficult decisions, communication and teamwork. These activity-based workshops engage students to expand their perspectives. Flight Power facilitators use meaningful content and current day examples to show students how to apply these skills in their lives.
The Fringe of Toronto Theatre FestivalPathways to Fringe TheatreWorkshop series, delivered in-person or by video-conferencing, takes students on a "Producing 101" pathway towards creating and premiering their own Fringe show. As an incubator of the most diverse and exciting artists and productions in the country, Fringe Festival staff and acclaimed independent artists/producers work with students to bring and develop their vision to the stage. This 5-part workshop series focuses on the following processes: creation, direction, technical elements, execution and putting on the show.
The Gord Downie and Chanie Wenjack FundLegacy School Artist Ambassadors ProgramThe program brings Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists into schools to inspire student leadership and forward the journey of reconciliation in school communities. Artists share their art, music and stories through workshops and/or performances and engage students in learning and conversations about reconciliation. Schools hosting Artist Ambassadors are also encouraged to have students share their own stories, art, and reconciliACTIONs with their guests. The program reflects arts, music, and role models in the classroom to connect with students about the power of the arts to create social change.
The Health Institute Inc.Blueprint Training 101Through education, mentorship and physical activity, this program explores core movement principles to enhance student’s understanding of physical movement and health. Black health professional, Joel Kerr, explains biomechanics, applies human kinesiology and its relationship to movement and how to build and progress with each of the six principle movements (push, pull, hold, run, jump, throw), and its importance in regards to strength and overall health. In addition, Joel shares his career journey in the area of sports medicine, kinesiology and human kinetics. Suitable: Grades 9-12
The K Group Inc.The Steelpan Experience: From Skin to Steel and BeyondThis program challenges students to develop an understanding of steelpan, its history and the present cultural and social contributions of steelpan pioneers to communities locally and throughout the world. Led by Afro-Caribbean (Black) musician, Joy Lapps-Lewis, and guests, this program is delivered in the form of virtual or in-person presentations, workshops and performances. Hands-on workshops focus on how to play, care for and store instruments. Students develop mallet technique and learn grooves while creating and sharing their musical ideas. Performances explore history and development of the steelpan into a modern day approach to steelpan centered beat-making and production. Facilitators share their experiences as musicians and professionals. Sessions can be modified for classes who do not have access to conventional steelpan (steel drum) instruments. Professional learning for teachers may be available.
The Learning Enrichment FoundationThe MINA Project: Inspiring FuturesProgram helps racialized, underserved students in Grades 6-12 bridge the gap between education and employment by gaining experience, building a network and developing skills required in the workplace. In-person or virtual sessions led by under-represented (BIPOC) industry professionals inspire students to make connections between education and employment and to see careers without limits. Program includes career panel where speakers share their career stories and workshops to develop soft skills and employability skills. Students receive mentorship from industry professionals and learn new career opportunities.
The Nadine Williams Pen FoundationIDPAD QuiltThrough this 3-part whole-school program, a quilt that celebrates the International Decade for People of African Descent (IDPAD) will be produced and designed by students. In part 1, through a 30-minute assembly, students and staff will learn about the decade and its theme, the UN Declaration, and some of the ways it can be celebrated. Students will be guided through the process in creating thematic artwork. Classes will be responsible for creating each patch which will be quilted together for the final art product. Nadine Williams will quilt the completed patches together. In the final part, the quilt will be presented in a 30-minute assembly. Centring the poem, "The Fabric of Our Being," this artwork will build understanding of the long histories of people of African descent in Canada. Suitable: Grades K-12.
The National Ballet of CanadaYOU DanceLed by teaching artists from The National Ballet of Canada, this program introduces students to the theatrical art of ballet and consists of two offerings, in-theatre performances with workshop (Grades 4-7) and in-school performance (Grades 1-6). The in-theatre performances feature five specially selected pieces danced by the National Ballet’s apprentices and accompanied by a pianist. Also included is an in-school workshop 45 minutes in length where students actively engage in movement techniques to develop their creative expression, learn a variety of dance styles, and repertoire while providing a learning experience for the teacher. The second offering is in-school performances named YOU Dance In-School Performances demystify the professional ballet world through a short performance with the National Ballet's apprentices, accompanied by a pianist, a host and a behind-the-scenes crew. Through an interactive discussion, students learn about The National Ballet of Canada, pointe shoes, partnering, ballet mime, and theatrical makeup. Students not only hear from artists who discuss their roles/jobs but also learn what it takes to produce a ballet. Limited availability. The YOU dance performance is live streamed once a year to any school.
The Period PurseMenstruation NationPresentations help educate students in grades 5-8 about menstruation and the importance of menstrual health for all, in-person or virtual. Facilitators demystify the myths, share use of appropriate language and how to prepare for periods including learning about various period products and reusable options. These virtual presentations help students understand period poverty with girls in school and people experiencing homelessness. Three presentations are available: Myths and Periods, Period Poverty, Period Product Options.
The Starfish Environmental Society Can You Hear The Eco?: Environmental Solutions WorkshopsThe workshop uses a guided inquiry-based learning approach to help students develop new solutions to age-appropriate real-world environmental challenges. Students will be presented with a challenge faced by our local community, distill their ideas, and prioritize their solutions. They will work together in small groups to create and refine a presentation to the larger class. Facilitators will help students explore the different threads within the interconnected tapestry of our social, economic, and political worlds. The workshop can be adapted to all levels, K-12 and may be offered in French.
The Umbrella Effect Inc.The Umbrella ProjectSimilar to an umbrella protecting us from the rain, a collection of well-being skills can protect us from times of calm and stress. This workshop, delivered in-person or through video-conferencing, enhances a collection of skills that form emotional well-being: empathy, gratitude, self-compassion, purpose, resiliency and developing a growth mindset. Through lessons, videos, group discussion, personal reflection and observation of the world around them, students learn real life applications of each skill and gain deeper insight into why these skills are essential. Workshops may be offered in French and parent presentations are available. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12, Staff, Parents/Caregivers
The Yonge Street Mission Thinking Forward Leadership ProgramThis program offers character development and leadership training for students, to help children and youth strengthen their interpersonal and leadership skills, and to challenge them to address social needs. Sessions provide inclusive and equitable learning opportunities that use the arts and leadership development as a platform to help students develop and improve their well-being. Students participate in hands-on, art activities that highlight themes of belonging, diversity, anti-bullying, teamwork, and community. A variety of methods, resources and activities are used including painting, role-playing, designing and building, illustrating, and art exhibits to showcase student work. The program is customizable to suit the needs and schedule of the school and students. Serving: Grades 1-8
Theatre DirectIn the Centre of it AllTheatre workshops whereby students explore stories, rehearse roles and join in alongside professional actors in performance. Theatre productions are also available, and each year feature a different theme and focus for students. The list of current productions for the year can be viewed at www.theatredirect.ca. Serving: Kindergarten, Grades 1-12
Theatricks Theatre Co.All About ActingUnlock the secrets of acting and bring students' creative ideas to life on stage by exploring The Actor’s Toolbelt, a series of workshops proven to help all students amplify the creative process individually and collectively. Ready to take your students' acting to the next level? ' Improve Your Improv ' workshops hone the necessary skills to unlock the keys to improvisational acting. Proven to nurture peer support and empathy, improv increases self-confidence, teamwork, and practical abilities for students to express themselves publicly. On top of all of that, all of these sessions get students moving and grooving and laughing out loud, literally. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 8
Theola RossIndigenous Arts and Social TransformationAn Indigenous Cree Arts Facilitator provides workshops to provide students with knowledge of the intersections between Indigenous lived experience and practice and the uses of art. Diverse mediums of art-production and performance such as dance, film, and storytelling are explored. Students learn how art has been used to advance the causes of social transformation and resistance to marginalization, exploitation and injustices framed within an anti-racism, anti-colonial and decolonizing lens. Serving: Kindergarten - Grade 12
Think 2wice InternationalThink 2wiceThe program facilitates workshops and motivational speaking topics that aim to prevent or respond to youth violence, gang involvement and criminal activity. Guest speakers with lived experience of gang involvement and the criminal justice system engages youth to take up positive leadership roles in their schools and communities and to create violence free schools, communities, and lives. Through music, theatre, film, story sharing and testimonials, students work through topics on violence, mindset, consequences, coping strategies, and community supports. Workshops may be tailored based on audience and their impact from violence. Professional learning may be available. Suitable: Grades 7-12; staff
Think Don't Shoot Inc.It Starts WithinThe entertaining and engaging presentation from Leo Barbe shares real life experiences through which students are exposed to strategies for managing the psychological, physiological and sociological effects of violence and bullying. Through story and interactive dialogue, students witness how to become community leaders; how to communicate effectively; how to take ownership of their decisions; and, to control their emotions in order to improve their emotional intelligence and resiliency. Serving: Grades 7-12
Three Feathers Artistic ConsultationIndigenous Art WorkshopsDeron Ahsén:nase Douglas leads art workshops based on Haudenosaunee knowledge and Indigenous art, including Woodland Style painting. Through stories and lessons, students gain an understanding of Haudenosaunee culture, people and art. Students also develop painting technique, design and composition. Students will be inspired to create their own artwork on canvas and/or murals through Deron Ahsén:nase Douglas’s sharing of his Haudenosaunee culture and traditional stories. Suitable: 5-12
TIFIDIN INCORPORATEDLive In Your ExcellenceThis personal development program equips students with tools and knowledge to develop the mindset, life-skills and habits to S.U.C.C.E.E.D. at being their best selves personally, socially and academically. Through 3 workshops, entrepreneur and motivational speaker, Sophia Bishop, inspires and guides students to build positive daily habits. The program helps students develop the seven core life-long practices to S.U.C.C.E.E.D.: Surrounding themselves with positive people; Understanding themselves; Cultivating an attitude of gratitude; Creating and committing to their personal goals; Elevating their self-talk and conversation skills; Exercising self-care; and Developing self-discipline. Suitable: Grades 6-8
Tim FrancomFundamentals in PercussionProfessional percussionist provides mentorship, music industry knowledge and specialized percussion skills to students. Musician shares knowledge of percussion instruments, notation and performance practises aiding in skill development, proper technique, sound production and music literacy. Sessions can be offered as workshops, clinics and/or coaching for large and small group ensembles ie. band/orchestra percussion section and percussion ensembles.
Timothy HollandSpectacle CérébralDelivered in French to FSL and French immersion students, this entertaining assembly touches on key themes such as resiliency, confidence, and growth mindset. Using circus arts and comedy ventriloquism, Tim Holland shows the accessibility of brain science and neuroplasticity and how our brains change as they learn. The assembly highlights how having a different mindset can help students’ resiliency and to see failure as a feedback rather than a limitation for skill mastery. Follow-up workshops use juggling arts to apply a growth mindset to a novel learning opportunity. Suitable: Kindergarten, Grades 1-8
Tisha Nelson Consulting GroupNurturing Black-Affirming Schooling ExperiencesStudents explore ideas around identity, race, racism and stereotypes to increase their competencies for anti-racist actions. Through in-person or virtual delivery, students learn the tools and mindset toward equity and social justice. Topics include how to hold brave conversations, unpacking and understanding the impact of power and privilege, honoring each person’s lived experience. Using drama activities, reflective conversation, whole and small group discussions and activities, students engage the skills they are currently learning within a social justice context. The learning may be applied for success in school or in other aspects of their lives. Staff professional learning and parent presentations are provided to build on the school action plan and continue relationship building within the school community.
TMG Macmanus Canada Inc.Publicis Groupe Canada: This Is The JobPublicis Groupe Canada's advertising professionals offer a panel talk and insight into the many and varied roles that the advertising industry offers. Tailored for grades 7-12, this presentation provides an opportunity for students to engage with the panel who share their success story, pathway, career journey as well as barriers encountered and advice on how to overcome them. Sessions aim to increase the engagement of youth belonging to communities that face systemic barriers and are underrepresented in this field. Speakers touch on varied careers that advertising offers such as creative, account management, data, human resources, media and more. A question and answer period follows the presentation, allowing students to interact with the speakers. Suitable: Grades 7-12
TNO - The Neighbourhood OrganizationSettlement Education Partnership Toronto SEPTSEPT offers settlement services to newly arrived families and secondary school students in schools’ satellite and reception centres. Settlement Workers deliver individual/family services, or group programs that help participants understand and successfully transition into the education system; and accelerate the settlement process. SEPT also delivers two programs in the summer for newly arrived students and families, some of whom are enrolled in TDSB summer school courses. These programs include: Newcomer Orientation Week (NOW) program for secondary students; and, Welcome Information for Newcomer (WIN) program for middle school students and families. Serving: Referred students, Grades 6-12, Parents/Caregivers
Tools for All TeensTools for All TeensTools for All Teens is a self-empowerment program which provides teens with wellness activities and tools such as yoga, mindfulness meditation and journaling to assist them in calming their minds and bodies. These tools enable youth to better manage stress and enhance their mental health and well-being. Mindfulness activities are used to support students’ engagement and improve learning and success, while teaching important life skills in self-awareness. Sessions can also be provided for staff teams, and for parents, as scheduled. Serving: Grades 7-12, Staff, Parents/Caregivers
Toronto Art Therapy InstituteArt Therapist Practicum Field PlacementsThis program provides field placement opportunities for graduate students in Art Therapy. Field placement students collaborate with TDSB staff to enhance their understanding of curriculum; to plan and implement activities for students; and to foster positive relationships with students, staff and parents. Art Therapist Practicum graduate students may support referred TDSB students in any of the following activities: enhance communication and self-expression, self-discovery, and problem solving; encourage development of healthy coping strategies in working through specific issues, such as depression & anxiety, addictions, grief/loss, or trauma; help children relieve stress, increase emotional literacy and awareness of self, and develop healthy and effective coping skills. Using imagery, colour and shapes; thoughts and feelings can be expressed that may be otherwise difficult for children to articulate.
Toronto Biennial of ArtContemporary Indigenous Arts ProgrammingAvailable during the Biennial season, Sept 21 - Dec 01, 2024, these half-day sessions focus on amplifying Indigenous Allyship and Artists of Colour. The Toronto Biennial of Art (TBA) connects learners with locally and internationally-based artists' projects and provides an opportunity to learn through decolonizing practices that showcase multiple histories and the many forms of 'knowing.' These learning opportunities for students from pre-Kindergarten to grade 12 will deepen their social, geopolitical and peacemaking understandings in the contexts of the city of Tkaronto/Toronto and surrounding areas. TBA's Mobile Arts Curriculum learning tools, developed by Biennial artists and available for free year-round, centre decolonization through the arts and the multiple voices of Indigenous and counter-archival histories. Students will engage in practices, techniques and approaches in art-making. Staff professional development is also available. Suitable for: K-12.
Toronto Community Benefits NetworkCareer Pathways Into ConstructionPresentation encourages, supports and mentors students in under-represented populations to learn how to progress along the apprenticeship pathway and ultimately gain employment in the construction/trades. Secondary students receive labour market information, gain tools and supports to navigate and complete an apprenticeship program, learn about construction projects and employment opportunities and connect with a broader network of trades professionals and mentors. Students also learn about specialized pre-apprenticeship and mentorship programs for women in trades, Black and racialized youth, newcomers and Indigenous people. Suitable: Grades 9-12
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